Introducing the Bungie Tech Blog

2 Mar 2021 - Destiny Dev Team

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -- Arthur C. Clarke
When I joined Bungie in 2003, I was amazed at all the aspects of technology that go into making a video game:  rendering, networking, asset pipelines, tools, online systems, security, multi-threading, etc.  At every turn I would find tip-of-the-spear technology pushing the envelope, turning creative ideas into remarkable interactive experiences, squeezing every ounce of performance to elevate those experiences to new levels.  After almost two decades in the games industry, I still learn something new every day and it’s that constant stream of new challenges that gets me out of bed every morning.
Gaming has always been at the edge of technology innovation, with very different constraints than those faced by other kinds of software.  We build real-time simulations with relaxed constraints that support unpredictable player behavior, and we work with hardware limitations that require us to be highly efficient and creative problem solvers.  We work with creatives that come up with audacious ideas that challenge our technology in new ways, making game development a very dynamic process.  We take Arthur C. Clarke’s prediction and make it happen – our specific aim is to create technology that comes across as magic.
Through the years at Bungie we’ve worked on amazing challenges, ranging from developing intuitive controls for a first-person-shooter on a console, to bringing casual multiplayer online through matchmaking, and revolutionizing the Action MMO.  Behind the scenes we have worked on getting our backend services to scale to millions of players, we keep fine tuning our content systems that deal with several terabytes of data a day, and we constantly level up our analytics and security technology.  At Bungie, we tackle new challenges every day.
For many years, we’ve shared war stories at GDC, taking advantage of the opportunity to compare notes with other developers and learning from each other's experiences.  Today, we’re launching the Bungie Tech Blog to connect more directly and frequently with the wider community.  We hope to share our excitements and our frustrations, our achievements and our postmortems. 
Check out the blog, we hope you like it... and remember that we are always hiring.
Per Audacia ad astra
Luis Villegas
Chief Technology Officer

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