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Editado por BarretOblivion: 12/2/2017 11:39:26 PM

Bring Back the RPG to Destiny!

Right now lets be real, Bungie ruined what little customization for builds and weapons they had in D1 instead of building upon that. The perk trees are nice, but limit builds variety to RNG for exotics. ONLY 2 TREES PER SUBCLASS WONT BE ENOUGH. Each expansion needs to not only build upon the world, story, and arsenal. We also need more ability trees added. Whats the current point of doing the weekly ikora mission? We need more abilities, more fun, and please bring back weapon rolls again. Let me build my Guardian, not be a static slightly different looking Guardian that uses almost the same load-out. Please remember your RPG aspects Bungie. Expand upon gameplay varieties each class and subclass uses. Give us more PvE specific perks if you are worried about the PvP balance. Just bring the power back to the characters rather than just the weapons. Edit: Keep it up guys. Lets get their attention. Edit 2: I with the fact Bungie has gone radio silent on this issue that has been plaguing Destiny for such a long time I believe we need to keep this demand flowing.

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  • That's exactly right. This is the reason we played Destiny for so long. I see a lot of naysayers, people who say that you'll never get what you're asking for. But I think they're extremely wrong. You will get what you're asking for, but it might not be soon. I expect the first DLC to give back most, if not all of what we lost when D2 released. There is an Exodus coming. As those of us who liked the customization and the grind begin to leave the game, D2 will become a ghost town. Bungie will add the features they took away to get us to come back. I just hope it won't be too late, I do love what this game can be, even though I hate what it is. Also, soon, Bungie will realize that their game will never be an MLG game, and they can start thinking about the players again. We will get what we want, the only question is, "When?"

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    • Yeah, I saw Datto's video on the current state of Destiny 2's End Game and as soon as he said that Bungie had removed most of the RPG mechanics from Destiny 2 and that they were concentrating more on their FPS strengths, I immediately knew he was right. Funny how it hadn't clicked with me until someone else said it. None the less, I agree with the general sentiment. Despite having played all the Halo's and a few Call of Duty's, I'm not really a FPS fan, RPG's have always been my thing. Destiny's RPG elements are what drew me to the franchise in the first place. Without its RPG elements, there really isn't much here in Destiny 2 to keep players like me coming back.

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      • I really dislike complaining but I’m at a loss as to why they would move the game in this direction. It feels like everything has been sacrificed at the altar of pvp balance. Why? Is it because of twitch? E sports? Add on top of that the additional issue of removing everything somewhat complicated or having depth and I’m questioning why I should be invested in this game. If I want straightforward fps pvp there are plenty of those options on the market. Destiny was supposed to be different...

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        • YES please bring back weapon rolls

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        • Bungie will never do what you hope. It´s pretty obvious they decided they can´t balance PvP properly if they don´t limit player options & gear variations. Bungie believed they could please eSport crouds with this, but everyone knows how realistic a hope that was. What we have left is watered down version of D1.

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        • Editado por WOLOWITZ02: 10/1/2017 1:27:55 PM
          The very first time I heard about D1, I was thrilled because it married my two favorite things...FPS and RPG. Still though, I would play an RPG over a static FPS any day. D1 gave me that, I loved comparing guns with my buddies after a day of hard grinding to see if his "insert name here" hand cannons perks were as good as mine. You had to test them in PVP to ultimately determine if you had that special roll. The actual gun play was fun if course but that was expected. You really wanted to be just a little different than the other guy because if hard work and yes a little "luck" sometimes. We weren't asking for game breakers, we just didn't want socialism, where everyone is exactly the same. The real reason why they did this to our passion is because yeah, they are lazy! When things got broke, like sometimes they did, they would pander to the Halo cry babies and nerf something. But they found that with all of these different gun perks, a little change here was throwing something way over there even more out of wack. So, instead of determining that they should just work harder, they decided it would be easier to just make every fish exactly like the other...and so yes you can eat but you will never enjoy fishing again.

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          • Editado por ChrisM227: 10/1/2017 11:00:59 PM
            What got me interested in Destiny was the amazing world it was set in; ripe for adventure, PvE, storytelling and ideal for a good crack at being somewhat of an RPG. I wish they would go back to that ideal. Destiny is trying to be jack of all trades and is so far letting down on all fronts. It feels like someone made an attempt at a game, got bored, decided to try make it into another type of game, got bored..... you get the point. There are so many generic FPS shooters out there, I was really hoping for something different. Hopefully Anthem will deliver.

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            • I think this is exactly what people refer to when the talk about Destiny having so much potential. The world, the lore, the potential customization, the potential characters we could meet, the potential adventures we could have, it all seems stunted in it's current format - not fully realized. Bungie should embrace Destiny's full RPGness and unleash this universe.

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              • It's all bc of pvp. This entire game has been nerfed, you know it's true. Solution: remove pvp This way we can feel op again

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              • Editado por RPColten: 10/3/2017 4:30:10 AM
                To bring something [i]back[/i] would imply that it existed in the first place. There really is no RPG-focused shooter on the market right now, and I'm guessing that's because RPG's work best as single-player experiences while shooters often are more common in a multiplayer setting.

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              • bump destiny should be a shooter mmorpg

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              • Come back to d1 until changes;)

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                • The bare bones skill trees for the sub classes is what's killing me. They are vastly uninspired. There some exotics that work with the trees but there is hardly any synergy. Youd think each sub class would have more synergy with their abilities. Namely the Hunters Dodge to reload and pretty much all the Titan Sub classes with barricade. There is a exotic chest for Titans where you can produce a orb and get a burst Heal but that's the kind of thing I expected in the sub class. I was expecting perhaps a tree for titans where the Tower Barricade reflected dmg back in one sub class. Or dmg absorbed by the Barricade gave you a shield that based the percent of dmg it blocked for its duration or reduced your grenade cooldown based on how much dmg it took. Maybe even a tree that said "You can shoot through Barricade but only when your grenade/melee isn't on cooldown" The Hunter's dodge to reload hardly has as much synergy as the melee version has in its own class. Idk, I just expected more and these trees lack build potential. Especially for PvE. I play this game for the PvE and this sucks.

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                  • I called it as soon as the news was out about getting rid of special and heavy for energy and power. Destiny is just a generic shooter now made for a quick cash grab for activision. The mmo and rpg aspects are next to non existent in this build of destiny. That's what happens when bungie builds the game from ground up for pvp to try and get into e sports. Pve suffers again, except its right from the start instead of slowly bleeding it dry with nerfs.

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                    3 Respuestas
                    • BUMP! I'm sick of not being able to farm chests and materials. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET ALL OF THE PLANETARY ARMOR SETS!?? Farms chests and materials for one hour: Get's 35 tokens, levels up vendor once, gets a duplicate legendary.

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                    • I would have loved to have a proper character creator, not just visually. Like, once you have chosen your "race", you should have been asked what was their background (kind of like Mass Effect), then class, and each class would lead to another choice, so for Titans, you get asked which order did you train under, Warlocks get asked which school and Hunters which clade (is that what they're grouped as?). Each choice could have come with a bonus to the attributes and lead to a bonus set of skills/perks. I would like to have seen a character bio page that is generated by the choices you make and quests relating to said choices (solo ones that are designed to flesh out your character more). Dynamic NPC dialogue that mentions the character's history would be a great addition too. But alas... ☮️

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                      • Random gun rolls will never happen again & they shouldn't. Skill should matter more than luck.

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                        15 Respuestas
                        • Agreed

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                        • BUMP!!

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                        • D1 had it right. Everything was unique, you learned the abilites as you unlocked them, so it wasn't overwhelming. Taking out half the abilites and then limiting the options is lazy "balancing". The funny thing is, the perk trees are still not balanced. Oh, and you actually had to do things to get upper end gear. D2 just spoils new players with legendaries and exotics without any effort to do anything.

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                        • YESSSSS!

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                        • I am looking for World of Wacraft with guns. Big living world, mmo rpg style, real talent choices, that has Guardians. Maybe Anthem or .......?

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                          4 Respuestas
                          • I hate the Fading Light in the raid. It ruins the fun of clutching parts with less than 6 people. Now the raid just seems like a huge circus game. If you don't hit the right enemy, symbol, or literally don't jump through the right hoop you lose, team wipe! Heroic raids in D1 were better than this fading light garbage.

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                            • I agree wth this so much. I can't even use Nightstalker, which was my main D1 class, because it feels totally watered down. I can't even customize the abilities to do what I'd want, I just have to work with what I've got on my Gunslinger. The weapon mods made me think we would have multiple nodes to upgrade. But we don't. Why can't the D1 perks make a comeback as mods and just add nodes to legendary/exotic weapons?

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                            • Agree

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                            • Pleas pleas pleas pleas rpg with out it space wizard just not very cool.

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