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Discusión sobre Destiny 2
6/22/2023 9:34:34 PM

What are your biggest pain points in Destiny right now?

It's no secret that the community feels a bit tense right now with Bungie's engagement and some of the issues we've been experiencing throughout the season. I see numerous complaints and hate threads over certain topics that really drive players insane, but I want to directly ask those who genuinely dedicate their time to this game. What are your biggest pain points? What is driving you away? If you could write 3 quick sentences to detail out what you feel is lacking, or what genuinely frustrates you, I would love to see what the community as a whole is feeling. With over 4K hours in this game, I've been through my fair share of ups and downs with the community. I know that regular delivery of content for a live service game is immensely difficult, and Bungie as well as many others will continue to try new things. I'll share my 3 primary pain points myself, summarized as best as possible. Poor story delivery. The weekly drip feed, and overall presentation of what actually is an INCREDIBLE story and lore is just delivered to us in such an un-captivating way. It is appalling how good of a narrative exists, and yet it's given to us in such a lack luster fashion. Instability, performance, connectivity. We all know these issues have gotten worse, and now far more ridiculous than ever. My clan mate was getting repeated errors just for using arc on a Titan and killing an enemy. I miss when lag was the only slight concern. Time invested = little to no return. This one is hard to specify, because I do think some of the more recent loot has been awesome. Spare returned in a disappointing manner, but many new weapons are genuinely good. However, the high end activities of the game feel almost useless. Why do a master raid? Why farm GMs? Why reach max rank in comp? There is not enough return for more egregious time investment. Some of this ties into overall fatigue and just sheer experience, but something has to be engaging no?

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  • Editado por Sarus-X: 6/24/2023 2:33:28 PM
    I know the servers are trash still, but even if they were fixed, I'd still hate the majority of the game, and I'm sorry for the long post, but I got some stuff I wanna get off my chest. TLDR: This game's activities are rigged for failure, and the amount of advantages and unfair power gaps the enemies get make them annoying and tedious. It isn't fun anymore unless I'm playing easy stuff with my friends. If anyone thinks I need to "get good", continue reading the post and you'll see why I'm upset. The biggest problem I have with D2 right now is the fact that Bungie thinks difficulty is entirely based around modifying the game to make it unfairly disadvantageous for the player. Right now it feels like every time I die it isn't my fault, and Idc if anyone says it is. I find it unfair that enemies can kill me through any sort of obstacle regardless of how it happens. To add to this, the modifiers are way out of control. D1 nightfalls only had 5 total, that was the max. Now even normal activities have 5 modifiers, arguably less as some do almost nothing, but my point stands that the game looks far more intimidating than ever before. I've soloed GMs in multiple seasons prior to LF, raid bosses, and even every dungeon flawlessly except only the newest dungeon because the bosses have overinflated health bars. I just don't want to torment myself to this -blam!- anymore. I play D2 very rarely now, and when I do, I only play the easy stuff because that is the only time where my health doesn't magically go from full to 0 in less than a second because the AI just swaps who it dogpiles on. Keep in mind, I use many different strategies that make survival easier, resistance mods, and 100 resil, and I still die in just a few pea shooter shots from Deep dive enemies, an activity that is SEASONAL! Seasonal content shouldn't be doing equal damage to a master activity! Idc if it isn't a darkness zone until the boss, because these aren't master enemies, and their damage doesn't go away when you reach the boss anyway. Certain difficulty modifiers need to just straight-up be deleted, and many of the enemies need drastic nerfs in damage. The enemy should be SMART, not all brawn and no brain. This is what made D1 so good. It felt good to pick a fight with the enemies, because no matter where you were, they would fight back and do reasonable damage. in D2, these enemies make illogical choices, and are just plain stupid, and the only thing making them difficult is the damage they're doing that will instantly kill you in certain scenarios when they normally otherwise wouldn't.

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    2 Respuestas
    • Lack of progression. Whether it's light levels or some other form. I've never been one for mindlessly playing activities tbh I also enjoy the pursuit of loot, although without the progression that kinda feels empty too. Plus there's Zelda and the weather is superb so I'm hardly playing D2 at the mo. Will prob just skip this season entirely and start again on the next one.

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    • Editado por Phondyl: 6/23/2023 2:24:15 AM
      What angers me? - Server instability - PvP meta (immortal, Anteus, Ahamkara) - lack of lobby balancing - increased difficulty in *some areas of PvE - increased monetization (event cards, dungeons, shaders, etc.) - lack of new crucible or gambit maps - trash story in lightfail - Bungie only patches exploits that help the player, not ones that hinder - All feedback falls on deaf ears - Lazy development of the game and more focus on Marathon. There are definitely more I'm missing, but this is just off the top of my head.

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    • I haven't played in about a month, I had forgotten why, so I logged in and went to edz to mess around and find my aim, got a nice drop and went to the tower to put it in the vault... Oh 600 outta 600 and nothing I want to delete.. I logged out

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    • Apparent removal of the mechanic that prioritised lower power slots when trying to power up. Been stuck at 1809 for 2 seasons because so called pinnacles won't drop either arms or chest, but here's a bond or even better here's weapons, especially in IB quests where the pinnacle quests should be armour, not 8 kinetics in a row.

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    • 1. Not being able to use my sunset weapons even as they release the same exact weapons, some of which are behind a paywall 2. The good raids (Scourge, Crown) are sunset, along with the good campaigns and seasons (red war, forsaken, black armory, opulence). 3. New seasons are boring with the missions and story, and that the forsaken pass was over delivering content, so nothing that comes out with be up to par with what I consider to be prime destiny which was that time

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      2 Respuestas
      • I only need one reason. I mean I can name 3, but ultimately the answer is just plain "Bungie". I've never cared for them much as a company, and this goes way back to the Halo days when I thought Halo CE got way more praise than it deserved (Half-Life did it much better, and 3 years before...), and how they were owned by Microsoft, who I rejected in the console space of the PS2. I didn't even like D1 that much. I stopped playing for about 2.5 years after The Dark Below, but came back after meeting some decent people around the Age of Triumph era. Those people have all left the scene, D2 has become an over monetized and unstable mess, and I think Bungie either doesn't care, or really has no clue what they're doing. Both equally as bad.

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      • I'd just like to take a second to appreciate how awful the dialogue writing has been recently. Also their 'storytelling' has devolved to voiceovers narrating their new garbage slideshow cutscenes, characters blatantly spewing exposition at each other over the guardian's comms channel (like unrelated chatter while we're in an active combat zone, it's so weird. Also our enemies (Savathun, the nightmares on the Leviathan, Xivu Arath, to name a few) are frequently in the comms channel too for some reason?), and "witnessing conversations" at the holoprojector.

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        • The fact I can’t load into the game because I keep getting centipede error code bullshit

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        • the daft difficultyincreaseson badic stuff

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        • Honestly it's the community I'm sick of (note I'm not talking about the communities opinions on the state of the game those are justified) it's the people in endgame content with elitism who look down on players for not being able to do a raid with one hand on a cheeseburger.

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        • My biggest points 1. Weapon crafting and item rarity. Red borders taking away any reason to play raids and the other activities they come from. Aka once you have them you never come back unless your friends wants to run said content which they dont because they got them crafted too. Because everybody is always crying about rng and grind and wants exactly what everyone else has in 30 minutes or so. Nothing being rare anymore. Because everything gets handed out these days. And they made everything in pve so much easier, like the enemies never have a chance to fight back Just stand in a well and shoot your fusion rife or rockets (crafted ofcourse) until its dead. (Opens chest picks up loot dismantles it straight away because you already have something better crafted.) It just takes away so much content. 2. the constant calls for nerfs and making content too easy. when people get something nerfed by crying its too hard. Yes some things are supposed to be harder than the other. Not every piece of content should be able to be completed by everyone. Theres calls for nerfs everywhere on this forum. For example ppl want ghosts bosses health nerfed and add density lowered. Like Ghosts bosses do not have too much health you just lack damage or you do good damage and think it sucks because you are doing a 3 mans job on your own. Its a dungeon made for 3 that you chose to do on your own and challenge yourself so it should not scale down to your fireteam size. And knowing games these days bungie might just give in and nerf it and make 3 man even easier and boring. Or the 1 time that ppl started crying because they had to kill 20 champions i believe? In ketchcrash where 1 master ketchcrash run was enough, like really? Is that too much effort these days? Call it gatekeeping or whatever but its just how things are. Play the game Try. Improve. Earn your loot. Or not i guess doesnt matter in this game. Most things are just so simple that its not fun and not worth loading up the game for. And just bungie not seeming to care about the game anymore is also a big thing.

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        • 0

          Lore-Deity - antiguos

          No power fantasy Less space magic Controllers are aimbot on pc

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        • Not enough craftable weapons. Not enough unused exotic changes.

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        • Everything 🤷‍♂️

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        • My largest complaints are: -Most parts of the game don't feel rewarding for the amount of time spent doing the activities. Mainly raid exotics. I don't want to do the raid 20 times just to get a niche exotic. Just give me the damn gun after five clears so I can play with it once and never use it again. -Lack of new crucible and gambit maps -Too much stuff in eververse. Let us earn raid ornaments like in last year of Destiny 1. Now when I log into Destiny, I only play to have fun. But there's only a few activities that I enjoy. I can play crucible solo and have fun with any gun I want. The other stuff are raids and dungeons, but those I like to play with friends. And even then, the only raids I like are DSC, Vow and half of RoN. Once I gave up on the game being rewarding for the time I put in, I began to play purely for enjoyment of the activity and gameplay. With friends, more things are fun. But solo I realized how little there is that I actually want to do.

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          2 Respuestas
          • Ah, I would end up making a wall of text so I rather not

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          • Cheating and latency.

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          • *Crucible lobby balancing *The paywalls content is being locked behind. *The RNG for certain activities *The lack of engaging content *The amount of error/network issues I have per week. *Bungies complete lack of accountability *Devs saying bad things about other companies. *Other things I can't say because I will get canceled. I want to quit so bad. I've invested so much time more than 4500 hours into this game. I'm stuck riding this train until it no longer goes. I hope TFS is a banger. I latch onto the things I love and won't quit them. This is quite possibly the worst relationship I've ever been in right now at this moment. There are still blissful moments, that's why I'm still here.

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            2 Respuestas
            • Nimbus

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            • 1) The DCV. It's obvious to me that on every stated objective the purpose of the DCV has failed. I lump sunsetting in there too because what's sunset gear but content we paid for that Bungo didn't have the stones to vault with the rest of it? Nothing like the backhand of half-measures after a slap in the face like that. 2) Marathon. Instead of investing in the health, stability, and infrastructure of Destiny 2--the game their entire customer base is paying for--Bungie has poached their best staff from D2, hired a boatload more, and given all the stuff D2 players have been asking for for years, along with all of our money, to a whole different game at the direct expense of the one that's actually functional and live. Instead of hiring more staff, giving us new pvp and gambit maps, new strikes, dedicated servers, all the content all of us veterans already paid for back, along with a whole suite of QoL changes and whatnot, Bungie's been sitting on their laurels, knowing they have (potentially had) no real competition, and diverting all of that to other projects. 3) Datto. Because he doesn't care.

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            • Game just doesn’t feel that fun anymore. It just feels awfully shallow and very welcoming to hollowness. Like the game play is still really fun but just the activities we have rn are so boring.

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              1 Respuesta
              • “With Marathon Bungie is clearly focussing on PvP and from the ground up the integrity of the experience has been absolutely critical. And it was non negotiable that bungie was gonna be investing in dedicated servers for Marathon, disconnect recovery […], like without those elements none of this matters.” Scott Taylor, the former project lead of the Forsaken expansion, actually said this on the Marathon vidoc. This is such a damning own goal that I’m surprised it hasn’t been quoted more often in the community. Dedicated servers is unequivocally one of the most requested things from the Destiny community since the game’s inception. And here is Bungie inferring, officially, that a game without them doesn’t matter. Destiny is near the end of its lifespan. Bungie isn’t shy about making this clear either. This game has become simply a cash cow for the whales who will consume micro transactions. The “final shape” of the game. There is no passion from the developers any more, their interests are elsewhere. And to the hardcore fan base who have nothing more to do, (apart from the absolutely captivating fishing gameplay…), no more secrets to find, and not much else to look forward to in the future of this game, they are being continually reminded of Bungie’s dwindling interest in the franchise.

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                2 Respuestas
                • The whole game is a pain point. Regret ever picking this thing up tbh. Only reason I play is cuz it was free. I wouldn’t spend a penny of my income on this garbage.

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                  • 1. The difficulty of last season frustrated me so much that it was the first time I just gave up and stopped playing. I noticed Season of the Deep doesn't seem to have this issue, so maybe they've realized they threw away every reason that a casual wanted to play. 2. Their monetization scheme irks me to no end. Saying a game is free, yet charging $100 to do current content is not free, I don't care how many times people say it is. 3. Not much to do anymore. Since they are getting rid of light levels, and scaling down my light level to make things artificially hard, while refusing to put in more matchmaking, I really just have nothing to work towards or enjoy.

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                  • Its like bungie dont understand what they want to do with D2 anymore or they dont care because they’re more focused on marathon. The past 2 seasons have been meh so far

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