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10/3/2021 2:24:47 PM

Instead of a taken shader....

So with as many people that have asked Bungie for a taken shader they actually said a while back why they cant do that (performance issues). And we understand that. But how about an alternative solution??? One that would require far less coding. I suggest the Queensfoil Tinture last significantly longer, costs less, and lasts from planet to planet instead of disappearing upon going to orbit. We can all use the Dreaming City armor (or ornament if you spend the resources) just like the set in D1. Alternatively, Bungie could just make a fully taken version of the armor set to use as universal ornaments. Theyve shown they can make taken ornaments in Malfeasance and Thorn. It's a middle ground that I feel players would gladly be happy about.

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  • Edited by Brobot: 10/6/2021 7:37:31 AM
    Blueshift dreams is technically Taken shader. And we have it for ages now. So animated shaders are really not a problem at all. But, as a Taken wanabe fan boy all day long - I suggested long time ago, that Bungie already lost opportunity to introduce taken armor into the game. All they had to do, is just rework or upgrade whisper mission. The same way we got taken ship back from d1. The only thing why Bungie not making this shader, is due to the fact that 80% of community probably will wear only this shader. And Bungie do not want that. They want to sell new shaders all the time.

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  • I miss my Taken armor and weapons. I even had the "Taken Shaken" e-mote. *sigh*

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    • All they have to do is port over the Desolate set from D1.

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    • If a taken shader gets added, I will ask that friendly fire be enabled

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      • Or......bring back taken armor? That way you can just transmog it after unlocking/earning it.

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        • Edited by Alpha277: 10/3/2021 4:28:33 PM
          I agree. Just making a taken set would be enough for me. But you know what the community is gonna say: “Way to go locking the only taken stuff behind eververse. You’re a greedy company Bungie.”

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          • Ok but lol bungie is lying when they say they can't, it's literally coded in the game where it ONLY works on dreaming city armor, the effect is already there, if it were a shader that would apply to any armor or at least dreaming city armor it would work without issues Taken armor was in D1, we got it in D2 as a special extra to wearing armor that can get it, we have a ship and sparrow with Taken effect, if this such a "problem" they wouldn't be in the game. Their "performance issues" excuse doesn't hold ground in 2021

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            8 Replies
            • People really wanted a Taken shader? It's so bland and boring. I wouldn't mind it on SOME guns but armor? Meh.

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            • Edited by Grimmy: 10/4/2021 9:39:49 PM
              Well I wonder why they couldn’t let us just create our own shaders using our own color pallet? It would def expand the fashion in this game and players would be able to nail looks they wanna create without feeling so limited. Just tossing that idea out there. Maybe this can be our 30th anniversary gift too?

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              • Edited by Tâxx, Herald of the IRS: 10/5/2021 7:31:12 AM
                I mean the Taken relic in Astral Alignment and Last Wish is already coded to work with any armor. Turn that into a shader.

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              • i dont understand the whole performance issue thing really. theyve got other shaders with moving elements so... idk. i'm not mad at them for not doing it and im not complaining, i just dont understand the technical side of things. if a shader isnt possible, then an individual armor set should be made instead

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                • Edited by Rusty Rat: 10/4/2021 3:27:39 AM
                  This may sound dumb due to terminology, but instead of having the taken effect being handled as an "In-game" shader(such as Gambit Chrome or Bloody Tooth), couldn't they have the effect easily rendered through "Programming GPU" (sub-programs the GPU handles to change how a specific pixel is rendered) shader? No having to translate each armor part (color, bitmaps, normal maps) into a Taken "in-game" shader, just render the armor using the "Programming GPU" shader. And it should have a very insignificant effect on performance. Kind of like how in The Crucible, all 'enemy targets' are rendered with a red overlay. If a player has a Taken "in-game" shader, render that armor piece with a Taken "Programming GPU" shader instead. I mean: Taken Empowerment in Last Wish and Astral Alignment have this effect already on your armors. If I'm wrong, ignore me. If I'm right, would people mass bump this comment into view so our community managers'll see it and give a definite reason why a "Taken Shader" doesn't exist?

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                  • To all, animated shaders need to be mapped by hand to each piece of gear. Not just the stuff that already exists, but everything that will ever exist. We will not see a taken shader, ornaments are likely. But Mark my words, the amount of work it would take to make the Taken shader a reality, would never be financially viable. It’s as simple as that.

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                  • The ornaments don’t work, you actually have to have reverie dawn armour equipped

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                  • Edited by Wounded Machine: 10/4/2021 4:46:31 AM
                    Wounded Machine
                    Wounded Machine

                    "Never Stop Fightin" - old

                    [quote]So with as many people that have asked Bungie for a taken shader they actually said a while back why they cant do that (performance issues).[/quote] Which I don't understand because PS3 and X360 could handle the Taken POE set, has well has Taken Weapons If they can't give us a shader , atleast give us Taken Universal Ornaments or Armor, which if possible on those old systems,should be possible now

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                  • >performance issues Isn’t there a strike in the nightfall rotation with hundreds of taken in the boss room ? Perhaps they will remove said strike to remedy these alleged performance issues.

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                  • Make a queensfoil tinture into a shader. Call it the Queensfoil shader or something like that.

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                  • Instead of cost less, give it a infinite amount of uses.

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                  • Edited by LikwiD_SmOkE22: 10/3/2021 8:12:15 PM
                    We have tiger shroud. I just wish they would remove the stripes. Sometimes jacarina & amethyst veil shade the way I want without applying the light blue or the purple. It all depends on the piece of armor.

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                  • What if that ascendant lens thing was an on off switch to takenify oneself. Not like we’ve done -blam!- all with it

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                  • Funny. It wasn’t a problem in D1.

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                  • That would literally have the same effect on performance as a taken shader.

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                  • Edited by Infamous067: 10/3/2021 5:21:40 PM
                    Performance issues? I call bullshit, if that was the case then they wouldn’t even have exotics with taken ornaments on then. You don’t see thorn, whisper or malfeasance causing any performance issues.

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