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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Blitz Wolf: 1/31/2022 8:58:52 PM

Looks Like I Picked a Helluva Day to Quit Destiny 2

Sony makes a power-move, of sorts, to nab Bungie and bring them back into the fold. Do I blame them? Of course not. After all the acquisitions from Xbox, I would have been more surprised if Sony didn't do something like this. But am I some Xbox fan-boy who's going to b*tch and moan like a Sony-pony about the exact same thing the two companies are doing to combat each other? No. It's the nature of the beast, now more than ever, and these fan-boys on either side need to STFU. I primarily play on my Series S (a wonderful and powerful, lil machine) but I have played on PlayStation and even have a PS4 but, well, none of their exclusives are games that appeal to me. So, I don't care. And I play on PC, too, so there's that. My point is, console fan-boy wars are stupid and everyone should just play what they want on whichever system they want. God forbid that day every comes though, right? Coming back around to D2, however, I do think it is pretty funny that I had already made-up my mind to abandon this game, at least from any financial standpoint, only to find out about this acquisition like it was just reaffirming that decision. Yes, yes, I am aware that Bungie has said "no exclusives" but I'm going to wager that won't last for much longer. Sony and Microsoft are placing their bids to get our money so, yeah, they're going to do whatever they feel they have to do to get it. Anyways, just wanted to drop my two cents into the bucket. Bonus points if you understand the reference of the thread title.

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