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Edited by Desolator0: 10/16/2022 10:45:15 PM

Arc Staff vs. Sentinel Shield - Not even a close comparison

The amount of damage that an Arc Staff can block while guarding is absolutely ridiculous, even more so by making Sentinel look utterly pitiful in comparison. You can easily block and survive an entire Thundercrash while in Arc Staff and continue using your super afterward, yet if you tried the same in Sentinel Shield, it would either kill you outright or consume your entire super to block it. This isn't even mentioning the absolutely broken combination with Raiju's Harness, more than doubling the duration of Arc Staff while guarding AND making you near impossible to challenge or kill while doing so. It's obvious why Raiju's is the newest super cheese swap exotic that you put on before activating it - the Hunter equivalent to Eternal Warrior in its prime with former bottom tree Striker. Another super swap cheese exotic is Blight Ranger, doing effectively the same thing as Raiju's except now it generates totally free Orbs of Power on top of it, letting you chain supers more effectively as well as increasing the damage of everything reflected back. This is all on top of Arc Staff's intrinsic ability to dodge while in the super, making it almost impossible to kill. Arc Staff has so many incredibly strong abilities built into it and is tied with Burning Maul as a T3 super for being among the fastest roaming super cooldowns, yet it's clearly deserving of a T1 super cooldown on its own, or at minimum a T2. Even more so, Arc Staff is legitimately broken and will not be suppressed properly from Sentinel's Shield Bash melee attack. [url=]Just watch this clip.[/url] This super alone is aggressively overpowered in its offensive and defensive combinations, yet the Titan equivalent, whose entire purpose is to be defensive by guarding with a shield, is in a totally miserable state of affairs. This isn't even mentioning how Sentinel Shield still struggles the worst out of all melee-based supers with pitiful hit registration (5 years later and counting), leading to frequent trades or clear hit sound effects yet no kill or even damage is registered. Raiju's Harness pushes Arc Staff into a degree of unfairness that makes it near impossible to challenge, even with your own shutdown or roaming super to counter it. You can barely even run from it because they'll catch up to you and kill you anyways. Just as my title says: Sentinel Shield lasts less time, has a longer super cooldown (T2 for God knows why vs. T3 Arc Staff for God knows why), blocks less damage and is far weaker than Arc Staff currently is. Its only saving grace is its ability to throw the shield, rendering you helpless while doing so and praying that the shields actually kill someone. There are zero reasons to run Sentinel Shield, even if you try and cheese swap with Ursa Furiosa to regain some super energy back. Arc Staff needs serious PvP nerfs, a strong reconsideration of its place as a T3 super, and Raiju's Harness and Blight Ranger need equally serious PvP tuning (along the lines of what Heart of Inmost Light received for PvP and PvE ability energy and damage separation). It is clearly the biggest outlier out of all roaming supers currently and it's not even close. Along similar lines, Sentinel Shield needs serious PvP buffs and a hit registration rework, like all melee-based supers desperately need. At the very least, it has no business being a T2 super with how badly it sucks. There's a reason why absolutely nobody uses it and all you see is Ward of Dawn/Bubble in PvP.

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  • Edited by NotCreative123: 10/18/2022 3:31:01 AM
    You're comparing two supers that may seem similar, but have different functions Sentinel has the option to throw a shield (ranged attack) in addition to the blocking. They also have the ability to improve damage for your team. Void Titan also has a great neutral kit for Crucible. I would pick Void Titan over Arc Hunter for any mode in the game except maybe Mayhem. I think the reason you see so few Sentinel Titans is because Ward of Dawn is just so potent in Crucible. Arcstaff doesn't have ranged attacks and can usually be avoided by running away. There are quite a few other counters to Arcstaff, but you certainly shouldn't try Thundercrashing (lol duh). I agree that Raijus might make Arcstaff OP, but so does every other super-enhancing exotic. I think the bigger issue originates from allowing players to swap to super-enhanving exotics on the fly.

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    3 Replies
    • Yep

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    • Edited by Poncho, Kell of Baggins: 10/17/2022 6:58:09 PM
      Of all things broken in the crucible you write a lengthy post about arc staff vs sentinel shield? Ooof. These are the people bungie listens to that lead to SBMM lmaooo Also titans have the two best sub classes for pvp right now. Arc and bubble, that’s not an opinion. Only viable hunter sub is invisibility spam -blam!-. Yes raijus with staff needs adjustments. But arc hunter is meh overall outside of that. I don’t want to hear about viable stuff in quick play. We’re talking trials and comp.

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      15 Replies
      • And yet sentinel can litterally block a gaurding arcstrider to death easily. Also...chaos reach goes through arcstrider block and not sentinel. And sentinel blocks thundercrash too if it lands in front of the shield. Arcstrider actually has more counters than sentinel. Namely...trace rifles. And the fact that arcstrider sometimes just dies of a heart attack from 1 bullet hitting it.

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        • Edited by Azur_Fenix: 10/17/2022 4:32:44 PM
          Its hunters. Bungie wont do -blam!-. Bungie doesnt care about titans. The shitty thrusters and noob only storm gernades prove they really dont give a damn about pvp titans.

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          7 Replies
          • Destiny is a Hunter game. Halo had the Spartans ie Titans. Hunters are Bungie’s fan boy class and anybody with common sense can see it.

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            23 Replies
            • Wait, the game has gotten so boring now that supers are a minor inconvenience that you should be able to just delete with ease hahahahahaha NO. Then you go after a super that cant chase down a sloth, and everyone knows this and just runs away till it expires but should you not know how to aim at the ground in front of them or charge in like Leeroy Jenkins will for sure melt your face like a super should but thats op...... ok

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            • Yeah, the offensive parts of Sentinel needs a buff. Also needs a buff to PvE to make it valid (my thought is giving void weapons that shoot through it Volatile Rounds). Arc staff is crazy strong. Needs to be looked at across the board compared to other melee roaming supers.

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              • The secret is to just spam a full auto weapon into their deflect and they will randomly die to the architects

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                5 Replies
                • Yet both warlock arc supers suck.

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                • That's because you're supposed to target the ground, where you one-shot them 80% of the time. Also twirly staff still bad at, yknow, being a super. Spear all day.

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                    There's a difference between blocking and outright reflecting something

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                  • So those are 2 diffrent types of shields. Arc staff is for deflecting and protecting yourself where titans are pulling chad move to protect and buff their teammates while they can shoot through. Titan shield is not meant to block thunder crash but for sure it will block nova bomb.

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                  • Ehy Guardian. I don't know about the damage resistance or capacity to reflect certain attacks between the two Supers, but what actually bothers me -personally, so this is just a personal opinion- is the duration of the Arc Staff reflection in PvP. It lasts a lot and meanwhile you can't hit the Hunter no matter what =/ or at least I haven't found a way to do so. Any tips are well accepted.

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                    9 Replies
                    • Edited by Oryx's Slimy Worm: 10/17/2022 7:38:13 AM
                      whats with titans thinking every thing needs to be equal. This is how you make a game boring and stale. Just land behind the deflect; the radius of the deflect is small, if you have half a brain you can easily kill someone deflecting.

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                      23 Replies
                      • Edited by Guardian: 10/17/2022 10:02:52 PM
                        Stop complaining like just stop. Out of all things you complain about arc staff? You do realise if you use your brain to adapt and overcome it you’ll be able to find ways to absolutely counter it. Nova warp can destroy Arc staff by simply activating the teleport mechanism it has, all you have to do is get behind the blocking staff an then blow yourself up in nova warp to shut it down. Raijus harness doesn’t provide any buffs to the super at all. The only thing it does is slows super drain by blocking which in favour increases the time to use arc staff. Instead of complaining about it take the time to find ways to counter it ! , it’s not hard!. Sick of titan bubble holding zones in PvP? Slap on celestial nighthawk with precision goldy, an it will one shot the bubble and the person in it. Find ways to counter things an stop complaining so much. The more you find ways to counter things the funner it gets. Who would have thought celestial night hawk would destroy titan bubble on a zone in PvP. I’m sure many people know this but that’s exactly an example to counter things in PvP. Sick an tired of players like you complaining about every fukn super in the game an the people who have fun using them have to suffer for it because you don’t like fukn going up against it and can’t find ways to beat it. Fukn ridiculous.

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                        4 Replies
                        • Honestly just sounds like you died to it a few times in PvP and wrote this. You just never mention how sentinel shield generates a larger area of cover when blocking, gives a damage buff and has a long range ability to throw a shield that 1 hits any non-super and chains with near aimbot/perfect accuracy towards someone else multiple times. CHAINED with controller demolition which procs with the shield. Also Sentinel Shield lasts longer and uses less energy per ability compared to Arc Staff, as well comparing Arc Staff with actual exotics VS no exotic sentinel shield is kinda unfair. Arc Staff is decently easy to dodge by jumping over a swipe or running away, they cant catch up unless they swipe which uses energy. Each super has pros and cons and only naming the pros of one and the cons of another is petty

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                          1 Reply
                          • Your comparing a team sheild that gives the highest damage buff to teammates, to an individual sheild that is only useful in niche situations. Also banner sheild damages enemies that touch it.

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                            15 Replies
                            • Another this is that now Sentinel is the only subclass in the game which haven't got a new super since the launch of D2 banner shield was about as much of "newness" that spinmy staff was/is. And if anything the class that lacks diversity in super choices it's titans. Food for thought.

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                            • There needs to be more consistency between the class supers shuts downs can be unique but deal similar damage. Roaming have similar damage output and length but he unique. As they are there is stupid inconsistencies.

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                            • Arc Staff: Reflects damage Sentinel shield: Obsorbs damage

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                            • It just lasts too long in pvp imo.

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                            • It can block Thundercrash, Hammers, Dawnblade as well!

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                              • The only problem that it blocks thundercrash god knows why

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                                3 Replies
                                • Arc staff should die to frontal -blam!- this lot with peregrines.. it’s the only super than can take no damage from it. Example of the power of peregrines

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                                  8 Replies
                                  • They need to retune the super drain sentinel receives for blocking hits. They already made it take energy just to put the shield up, so when you get hit it just plummets by enemy fire.

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