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8/10/2023 5:53:50 AM

Over-delivery isn't over-delivery if you love and play your own game

I was making dinner for my family today when i realized how much it sucks cooking in a hot kitchen in hot temperatures. My brain spent half the time thinking about how much easier it would have been to just order out, and buying those meal prep kits all over the internet right now. The remaining half of my brain thinks completely differently though. Its the part that drives me to do this hard uncomfortable work that I definitely don't have to do because it brings joy to people I care for and even myself once I get to sit down and enjoy the meal. Can't beat a good home-cooked meal right? Maybe whoever is reading this already know where I'm going with this. Bungie, you changed your philosophy from "We make games we want to play" or something like that. Now your primary philosophy and concern is over-delivery, which just doesn't make any sense... unless you just stopped caring about whether its something you or others enjoy. Why cut cost on something you can make amazing for yourselves? Has money taken such a definitive priority that everything is worth neglecting until the money starts to slow down? Or have the majority of employees just lost interest in the game as players? I get you're a business and money will always be a high priority, no one is arguing that, but if you're going to abandon the original philosophy completely, you owe it to the player base to be honest and transparent about it. If you want Destiny as a franchise to be nothing but a soulless money-grab, Then instead of wasting our time with a State of the Game wall of text making excuses, why not at least have the backbone to face the people you've seemingly betrayed? Wouldn't you, as players to some extent yourselves, want the same thing? Are you sure you want Destiny to go from your ultimate legacy to your biggest failure? Is money so important that you can no longer be bothered to spend a little extra to make something wonderful for yourselves? What part of the player base are you guys thinking of when you make these decisions? the die-hard fans or the hate-filled fools harassing your employees? If it means anything to any of you, I am still foolish enough to have hope. I want to believe there are people there that want to still go above and beyond and not turn this this franchise into BAU. To treat themselves to a work of art that speaks for itself in that fun comes first and only secondly does it also happen to benefit the players. I leave this post as a means of love, not hate. Please don't let me down.

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  • Now, now, How many of y'all go in to work every scheduled day and work balls to the wall, full throttle, all day, and how many of y'all know better than to do that, and how many of y'all don't even give 50%?

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  • The funny part is that they literally could make tons and tons of money by just making the game good. By providing good content. People buy fun and good games. In this day and age, the word about a quality and fun game is spread SO fast with social media etc. But Bungie instead went to route to put in minimal effort, milk the remaining players until they are dry and stop caring. Its a clear sign of fatigue and greed. I think they are just not having fun creating destiny content anymore and therefore started their minimal effort trend until they entirely stop supporting destiny. Sad because theres still such a massive fanbase. And that fanbase does not care about a half baked extraction shooter or the upcoming mobile game. So i hope those will flop :)

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    • Edited by Hawpy: 8/11/2023 2:03:38 AM
      It's not what people want to read but, despite all the memes and jokes about it, there is logic behind the over-delivery point. To go with the cooking analogy, they aren't cooking for people they care about in the same way that you care for your family. For Bungie, it's more akin to a running a restaurant, where there is generally no attachment to an individual diner. Say the chefs go above and beyond to make every dish the best it can be, even at the cost of their own time and money. It's easier to justify early on and when there are fewer people coming, but the longer it goes on and the more people who experience it, the more likely it is that it will become the expectation. When that happens, it's no longer sustainable for the chefs to put out the same quality of food at the same rate and at the same cost. If they raise fees, the customer gets unhappy and threatens to go elsewhere. If they take longer to make the food, the customer complains about slow service. If quality goes down to compensate, even a great meal would be regarded as "good but worse than what I had last time" or "I was expecting better", which still creates a negative sentiment. Then, on top of all that, you have the occasional customer that complains despite being given exactly what they ordered and demanding a refund or other recompense. You run into a Catch-22 where you can't make something that you love without cutting a corner somewhere in order to make it possible. If you cut the corner, it's no longer what you love because it isn't the best it can be. If you don't, then you lack the resources to make it that good. I'm not saying that this maps 1:1 with how Bungie have handled D2 as of late, nor do I think they've done it perfectly, but I'm pretty sick of seeing people use the same low-effort jokes about it and not apply even the slightest amount of thought to what has been said. Ultimately, Bungie is still a business that has to make business decisions. At this scale, labours of love that eat into the finances aren't attractive to the people who make those decisions, and I can assure you that it isn't the devs.

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      • I have two words for Bungie and their "over delivering" crap... Larian Studios......

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        • Doesn't watch these forms, your best bet to reach them is via Twitter or Reddit

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          • Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 8/12/2023 3:59:19 AM
            The Bungie that sat around the office having Halo tournaments left along time ago to other companies, most of them went to 343, but there are only so many stories you can tell about Masterchief being an epic legend , infinite wasn't interesting, having chief and new cortana mopping up a gang of brutes wasn't the best idea, maybe we have Arby DLC one day Anyway I am getting off topic, Corporate, penny penching Bungie has consumed laid back gamer Bungie

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          • Yup bunch of greedy 🤡 at bungie

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          • It’s not even that Bungie thinks over-delivery is the biggest “mistake” they made and that they don’t want to do it anymore. It’s the fact they are constantly going out into the industry and trying to “warn” others of the “dangers” of it because they would like others to not do it so they don’t look bad when they don’t do it either. How many more examples do we need of Bungie and their developers trashing other games that are delivering great content to show that they would really like the industry to follow in their lame footsteps? I would like to see this same level of gusto about not over-delivering when it comes time to start marketing Marathon — the new game their going to want everyone to buy. “Hey guys. We have this new game called Marathon we’d like to sell you. It’s good but not great because we didn’t want to try too hard. Would you like to buy a copy?”

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          • Bungie: Overdelivery.

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          • [quote]I was making dinner for my family today when i realized how much it sucks cooking in a hot kitchen in hot temperatures. My brain spent half the time thinking about how much easier it would have been to just order out, and buying those meal prep kits all over the internet right now. The remaining half of my brain thinks completely differently though. Its the part that drives me to do this hard uncomfortable work that I definitely don't have to do because it brings joy to people I care for and even myself once I get to sit down and enjoy the meal. Can't beat a good home-cooked meal right? Maybe whoever is reading this already know where I'm going with this. Bungie, you changed your philosophy from "We make games we want to play" or something like that. Now your primary philosophy and concern is over-delivery, which just doesn't make any sense... unless you just stopped caring about whether its something you or others enjoy. Why cut cost on something you can make amazing for yourselves? Has money taken such a definitive priority that everything is worth neglecting until the money starts to slow down? Or have the majority of employees just lost interest in the game as players? I get you're a business and money will always be a high priority, no one is arguing that, but if you're going to abandon the original philosophy completely, you owe it to the player base to be honest and transparent about it. If you want Destiny as a franchise to be nothing but a soulless money-grab, Then instead of wasting our time with a State of the Game wall of text making excuses, why not at least have the backbone to face the people you've seemingly betrayed? Wouldn't you, as players to some extent yourselves, want the same thing? Are you sure you want Destiny to go from your ultimate legacy to your biggest failure? Is money so important that you can no longer be bothered to spend a little extra to make something wonderful for yourselves? What part of the player base are you guys thinking of when you make these decisions? the die-hard fans or the hate-filled fools harassing your employees? If it means anything to any of you, I am still foolish enough to have hope. I want to believe there are people there that want to still go above and beyond and not turn this this franchise into BAU. To treat themselves to a work of art that speaks for itself in that fun comes first and only secondly does it also happen to benefit the players. I leave this post as a means of love, not hate. Please don't let me down.[/quote] Look I see where your coming from. However this was taken out of context. When they were talking about this is was to other developers. This wasn't a case of over delivering, very poor choice off words by bungie, it was about managing expectations. If they give you 2 raids in a season people would expect that every season. So rather that disappoint they measure out the content and decided to delivery it in even chuncks. A good example would be if I have a responsibility to provide a report every month and the agreed delivery date is the 14th working day and for whatever reason I get it done quicker. The expectation may develop that the report was delivered before its due because it did it last month why not now? This all came about because bungie didn't consider their language nor what would happen when players heard this. This is the result.

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          • I think my biggest takeaway from bungie being independent for a while now is, where did all the money go? Reading that document pertaining to under delivery truly gets laughable.

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          • Destiny, it seems, is like an unloved stepchild…where all the neighbours constantly raise concerns re its welfare… BHQ, its seemingly uncaring ‘parent’, glares angrily back and yells… cue <crickets > 🗿 SMH 🙄

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          • Edited by Avelithe: 8/11/2023 2:13:15 AM
            That cooking analogy was perfect. 💋👌 Chef kiss. I’m sure there are [b]some[/b] Bungie employees who [i]truly[/i] and [i]deeply[/i] care for Destiny, but have their hands tied on “what to do”. There’s always upper management who have the last word. Anyway, speaking from experience. I’m not sure if it’s actually like this, but it does leave me wondering with all the evidence I’ve witnessed surrounding this game. It could be that Bungie is absolutely enamored with their game. I just find it very hard to believe. I don’t feel the love. I said it in another thread, but I sincerely wish Bungie would go for broke and over-deliver—[b]wow[/b] us, [i]thrill[/i] us, show us something amazing. Give us some mind-blowing story delicacies and stomach-dropping gameplay rides. I’ve stuck with this game since it’s release in September 2014, and had this feeling few and far between. I clung to hope because I really hoped Destiny would go the spectacular distance. Instead, it was a baffling rollercoaster ride of mild amusement and bitter disappointment with a touch of thrill once in a while. I “quit” before Lightfall, but occasionally I’ll pop in for a friend. That’s the extent of my presence now. It’s honestly depressing. I look at my irl Destiny paraphernalia sitting on my shelf, and just wonder what the hell happened to this game. But I can’t support a company who jerks me around like this. I refuse to run the risk of disappointment again, so I resolved that they’ll not get my business moving forward. But since I do care a great deal about the lore, I’ll keep a watchful eye for playthroughs.

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          • Money > Love

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            • Over delivery is always over delivery lol. You can spend four paragraphs trying to get them to do it, but you can't change the definition lmao.

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            • The people that control the money and resources aren’t the same people hands-on making the game. Even Joe Blackburn (the game director) doesn’t get to set his own budget. The business heads at the very top will be in charge of that stuff, and even they have investors to answer to. They will invest resources in what they think gives them the best return. They have to balance Destiny against everything else they’re working on (expanding the studio and overseeing multiple IPs). The bottom line will always be profit.

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              • Your SO who is the breadwinner is determining what is on your shopping list and budget for your family meals. She is giving you $5 a day to feed a family of 5 2 meals a day. Because you're a great cook you make due with what you have. Sometimes you make a master piece and other days you make things even you don't like the taste of. You complain to your SO that you need more money so that your family is eating better and enjoying it more - she points out that everyone has been cleaning their plates for the past year; in fact some have even gone for seconds. I don't believe the money guys are the same as the devs doing the actual work.

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