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Edited by Nathan: 5/7/2018 6:58:57 PM

Bungie, listen to whats left of your community

Why? Firstly, may I ask who the person was that decided to change the weapon system/slots? Because I'll sack them for you guys. What a STUPID idea. Let me just put this into perspective for you guys (although I'm sure you understand my pain already): You FINALLY obtain power ammo, after fighting with your teammates for a couple of rounds to be the first one to get it (obviously it's too OP for more than one of your teammates to have it at the same time, duh), you move to a position to snipe someone, but oh wait, doesn't matter you've just got rocketed by some other guy with a rocket launcher that requires no skill whatsoever. Are you telling me it's okay for someone to have a f**king rocket launcher while you're trying to snipe them? How is that okay!? EVERY TIME you go to snipe (or even use a shotgun) you get obliterated by a rocket! What's the problem with a normal primary paired with a sniper, with ammo that you can KEEP, with a heavy slot that you can only use once in a game, like the old system Destiny 1 had, which if you guys don't get that game is so much BETTER than the crap you pulled out of nowhere. Honestly just bring Destiny 1 to pc, turn the Frame rate up and that would be the best game you guys have made. You're slowly bringing in changes that should've been there at the start, not to mention the ridiculous timing we have to wait to see a simple change reflect in the game. I could go on about many things for hours (like all the underpowered exotics or random rolls). I know you won't listen, that's why I left this game 2 months ago.

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