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6/17/2022 6:24:20 PM

I'll say it again, not having Freelance Trials every week is just dumb.

First of all, I would like to say "tRiAlS iS eNd GaMe PVP". Screw that dumb -blam!- excuse that you use to stomp on people with no teams. First of all, Bungie's matchmaking has been garbage since forever. They obviously don't care about fixing it any time soon. I'm OK at PVP, and somehow every time I play, I get matched with teams of 3 (the typical hunter + Chaperone or sniper type of team), and my other two teammates suck really bad. Almost every time I end up at the top of the team with the most kills, and my teammates couldn't kill themselves jumping off of the cliff because they would miss. The 3 or 4 times that I made it to the lighthouse, I did because I was playing freelance, and those matches were fun, felt more even, and even if I missed the lighthouse by one kill I knew that, if I tried again, there was a good chance I would make it to the lighthouse. I know that there are some people with the dumb argument that having Freelance every week would make the numbers go down, I've heard that before, and every time I ask for proof, I get nothing. There, thanks for reading my weekly rant.

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  • Freelance or not, I have found it is the teammates, not the opposing teams, that is the issue. It feels like every match is me (an average player) with two brain dead potatoes on my squad 😂. It is actually comical.

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    • I think you should say it again

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    • Segregation of the player base is an even dumber idea.

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    • Edited by C-a-I-l-u-m: 6/21/2022 3:10:19 PM
      Only really hear potato’s crying for freelance… it’s like getting carried without having to ask. Maybe they could do a 1v1 to the lighthouse mode seems fairer.

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    • It's always funny to me how fast it went from "oh, solos just want a chance to play and earn loot" to "solos should get preferential treatment".

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      7 Replies
      • streamers and theirs lackeys crying a river when Freelance on; they get rolled by good teams...

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        • It's impossible to have solo playlist every week. The regular playlist brokes. Matchmaking becomes very long, and for 2 players squads it's even worse, cuz they need one solo player with them. I love the solo playlist too, but we need to understand that. I enjoy a lot when it's available, as much I enjoy the "regular" weeks too. No one is entitle to impose what we like into others. As long there is "space" for everyone have their time at the sun, it's fine.

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        • Jump on twitch on a regular weekend then again on a freelance weekend and you get your answer as to why they won't make it permanent

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        • we need a freelance permanently and a solo trials mode where it's a 1v1 matches.

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        • Edited by AubsTheBelieber: 6/20/2022 8:25:17 AM
          I like Freelance Trials. I only did it once, and as much as my stats suck overall, I constantly found myself able to say "WOW I'm doing so good right now". Dying when it didn't matter as much and clutching when we needed it. Went in for a Seasonal Challenge. Came out flawless without resetting card once. It was really a different experience. In D1 I went flawless like 37 times. But it was very unique doing it by myself with no communication. I could almost say it was more fun.

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        • Keep preaching!

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        • In literally no other shooters you are forced to have a team to do "endgame" PvP..... In fact in most competitive games solo ranked is seen as more prestigious than team ranked as you are not carried. It's not like CS:GO/R6/PUBG requires you to have a team to play ranked. I really have no idea how some people in the "D2 PvP community" came to their conclusions besides they just want to keep stomping on pubs.

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          • at this point its mute, the best way to earn trials gear is to just throw matches and farm engrams Saint will do the rest

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          • Yeah I understand, some people got jobs to work and a social life to live, those people are the casuals like you and me but Bungie doesn't have as much regard for those that can only put so much time in at a time. Those who can make time to argue in favor to defend Bungie on this don't quite understand the same. Life isn't so pleasant to be able to waste away every day on a game like this and to those that do, life will catch up to you and have you pay your dues, trust me, I know.

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          • [quote]First of all, I would like to say "tRiAlS iS eNd GaMe PVP". Screw that dumb -blam!- excuse that you use to stomp on people with no teams. First of all, Bungie's matchmaking has been garbage since forever. They obviously don't care about fixing it any time soon. I'm OK at PVP, and somehow every time I play, I get matched with teams of 3 (the typical hunter + Chaperone or sniper type of team), and my other two teammates suck really bad. Almost every time I end up at the top of the team with the most kills, and my teammates couldn't kill themselves jumping off of the cliff because they would miss. The 3 or 4 times that I made it to the lighthouse, I did because I was playing freelance, and those matches were fun, felt more even, and even if I missed the lighthouse by one kill I knew that, if I tried again, there was a good chance I would make it to the lighthouse. I know that there are some people with the dumb argument that having Freelance every week would make the numbers go down, I've heard that before, and every time I ask for proof, I get nothing. There, thanks for reading my weekly rant.[/quote] Bring a team…

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            14 Replies
            • The main issue is the "friendship" bonus every team gets from the matchmaker. If I queue solo I get insta matched against a premade of 3 every time and have only solos on my side. If I queue in a premade I did never match against a premade of 3 in the first rounds. Matchmaker actively tries to help premades.

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            • I disagree. This is not because I want to be able to stomp solos; I don’t even play in a group of 3 when I don’t have to. I normally play in a group of 2, which is a weird middle area where I’m disadvantaged against 3 stacks but can’t play freelance. Still, I would much rather freelance only be available half of the time, since when it is active it is basically impossible yo play ad a group of 2. You’re matching with a solo player who is dumb enough to play the regular playlist, which takes a while to find and usually means your teammate is a potato. Ultimately I wish they would make a system that balances teams so if one team had all solos, the other team will too, and if one team is a duo and a solo then so will the other team be. Who knows when that will ever happen though, so for now, freelance 50% of the time is pretty good.

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            • Edited by HAPPYWOLFE: 6/19/2022 2:15:04 PM

              .0001 - old

              Yes I would like freelance every week. I would like to see the average numbers for trials on its highest week without freelance. And then the average numbers for when freelance is active. I would be willing to bet real money every weekend with freelance has more players... Probably a lot more. I only play trials when it's freelance... Mainly cuz I'm a filthy casual who's only occasionally good at PVP. So my friends who are really good don't want to play with me (Don't blame them) and my friends who suck don't play it at all lol.

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            • Well bungie is prob one of the dumbest devs so it’s no surprise

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            • No solo player should play unless freelance. It’s a mockery, it’s not endgame. You got dfp resetting his card, gjake never loses a game, some other no lifer going 72 hrs straight no loss, this is a “farm casuals “ get paid to carry mode. There’s nothing competitive about it. Dmg confirmed why it’s not competitive. Anyways, don’t play til freelance

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              3 Replies
              • If they don't feed players to the sweats the sweats will have to fight each other and they've made it clear they don't want a challenge, and bungie only cares what the sweats want.

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              • I love playing against the folks who can slide around a corner and use a linear for the headshot before they even stop sliding.. how do they do it 🙈

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              • Edited by StealthJediPro: 6/18/2022 11:40:03 PM
                I could swear those guys are aim botting. I did great in survival but regular Trials my KD is so low and normally it's 1.2 to 2.0 freelance. TRASH TRASH TRASH

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              • Don't make the mistake of thinking Bungie cares about crucible. I played against a cheater today in Trials. Blatant as -blam!-. This week, 82 kills with eye of sol, ALL HEADSHOTS. 17 kills with 1000 yard stare, ALL HEADSHOTS. BattleEye doesn't seem to notice and in-game reports don't do anything. Bungie has given up on PvP.

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                5 Replies
                • The sweats in the comments outing themselves in the comments is sending me. Y'all don't want freelance permanently because you won't be able to stomp lower skilled players to your flawless... you'll actually have to work for it. Funny.

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                  • And let's not even try to talk about people selling carries in the lfg on the app and aimbots that battle eye seems to be blind eye. Disgusting.

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