I cant seriously play comp and have even a little bit of fun. heavy in comp is a joke. i gain 50 points for a win and lose 150 for a loss... Like really? i cant help my teammates are so much worse then the other teams, and if someone leaves you STILL lose points? come onnnn bungie. i was Adept 1 and got a untested guardian on my team with blue armor and terrible guns. he was so lost and we got RAN over but Ascendants and adepts... and yes i lose 150 points for that. it makes me want to quit the game entirely. not to mention the ability SPAM stuck in smokes and and swarm grenades constantly wheres the gunplay? I pray bungie makes their "Comp" playlist more competitive and balanced.
🤣..there's nothing competitive about destiny anymore..bungie's made it where mouth breathing downs syndrome babies born without thumbs can slap a controller on the desk and get kills🤣
1) Use paragraphs. 2) Use correct grammar and punctuation. 3) Play games to have fun. 4) "Having fun" should not be dependent upon whether you win or lose. And Bungie is already changing the Comp points system again... for like the millionth time. So maybe it will get better