Edit! Saw a "worst iron banner ever" post lol!!
Edit!:!: Bungies every Iron Banner post!! "Destiny will be down for scheduled maintenance!"
New! Why can't iron banner include all the maps?!
Worst iron banner ever!
Sick of getting dropped into losing matches!!
Snipers take zero skill!
Shotgun crouching campers everywhere!
Iron Banner drop rate is terrible!
Rank 5 AMA!
Sick of playing full fire teams as a solo player!
Iron Banner needs a solo player queue!
Iron Banner?? More like Iron Red Bars!!
Snipers need flinch!!
Team of six just T-bagging us solo players!!
Sick of Universal Juggernaut!!
Stormcaller super lasts the whole match!!!
STOP dropping out of matches!!
Quitters need a penalty!
RNG loot system rewards bad players!!
Ok ok what else have I missed that we can expect by Tuesday night???
[spoiler]just for laughs , not hating on anyone. Shameless plug as well for viewing if you're bored. https://vimeo.com/178029973 [/spoiler]
Edit!:! Think this post has eliminated some of the above posts based on what I see in the forums right now.
Just saw a "rewards suck" post lmao!
Oh so true
I love the IB drop rate.
You forgot to mention mida -blam!-
Ah, it would have so impressive if you had had: Tapir Tapir Tapir! Error code wtf is Tapir? Tapir Great job Bungo! error code
Lol! Take a bow!
So much salt my tongue is burning
I played 2 games (non ib) 1st was control Mida shotgun with bladedancer (no blink) bones of eao Not sure think was 3.0 kd with 3 captures (highest in team was 4) 2nd was mayhem rumble Last word sniper with gunslinger and achlyophage symbiote I got 1st and very good kd (can't remember) To sum this post up: Nerf everything
New matchmaking settings are shit
It's already starting..... Maintenance? When does IB start? Why is there maintenenace before IB? Is IB canceled? It's not like the news feed is the first thing you see when you open the app.
[spoiler]Made You Look[/spoiler]
I am bad at pvp but i still hit rank 5
Edited by Michael Vick: 8/16/2016 5:09:33 AMOn top and still not getting anything!
Every iron banner.......ever
People talking about weapon and game nerfs. OBVIOUSLY Bungie needs a nerf.
Here's one, Why hasn't Iron Banner started yet?
Edited by RyanT_100: 8/16/2016 4:20:22 PMNerf shoulder charge
Edited by CoCo_War_Lord: 8/16/2016 3:41:37 PMWhen is iron banner supposed to start?
I always look at the people in the game to see if they are in a group. I don't care if it's 2 or 3 but if it's 4 or more, I bail
it took me 18 games to realise that i got not reputation or rewards at end of game wtf bungo 😁
"Red Bar Gods!" "He shot me through the wall!" "I lost 10 matches in a row to the same fireteam! Of course I never went back to orbit!" "LAAAAAAAG!"
You forgot: "[i]How can you even hit me from there![/i]" "[i]I can't believe he's just done that[/i]" "[i]I'm so f*cking done bro!![/i]"
iron banner is shit that's what u missed also why did u tag my clan tag here? lol
They will fix local matchmaking by breaking all other matchmaking You can only play with 12 on your LAN
Edited by Lord Bretomart: 8/16/2016 2:59:19 PMO shit dis rant It's lit as -blam!-