So I haven't played in a while and I decided to play on my main. I remember how fun the crucible was because people would risk for loot. I come back to found out it's been replaced by a new game mode called Deathmatch. Which is safe pvp. Ugh I might go back to old school runescape.
I guess you can have an E for this shitpost
Put this in Destiny. I'm sure you will attract a lot more fish. They will go crazy
Am I the only one in gaming that still plays?
The device that gave us 3 similar endings with different colors?
Not really. Its sad that proctor got hanged though. It really pissed me off, abigail was just saving herself
hi im sunari115 i was hoping u could help me with kings fall raid sometime couse i cant get anyone to help me i would be very greatful if you could.
I'm sure we'll see it again in the sequel to DOOM (2016).
Nah, i use it all the time
Nope. I don't miss any bit of pvp from Destiny. It was without a doubt, the most cancerous, glitch, most bullcrap thing I've ever faced in gaming. The community was no help either.
I don't really remember crucible. I only played to 07 though. Also you seem to be quite the fisherman
Wrong sub-forum. Move your post in the #destiny sub-forum. To move it, edit your post, erase the #gaming hashtag and replace it by #destiny. Please learn how to use the forums before you post on them.
This is some good bait.
I prefered castle wars.
I cannot count on both hands how many times I was put into a lobby that was me playing whatever at the time, with [b]every single other person[/b] was a God damn blade dancer hunter using thorn or the last word. Literally every other person was using basically the exact same load out. That shit gets old fast so no I don't miss the lag fest that was the crucible
No. I actually went back for IB to see if I could get some gear and promptly remembered why I hate that games PVP so much.
Never played crucible. I never wanted to play any game mode that risked my loot, as I worked hard for that stuff and would have taken a long time for me to get it all back. I always played clan wars, fist of guthix, castle wars, pest control or stealing creation ( stealing creation definitely being my favorite of them all).
Crucible sucked ass. It wasn't cool when you could t leave after getting sweet loot. What was worse was PvP worlds. Jesus those were bad.... I exploited those though and got nice drops lol. I haven't played since EoC but the Wildy is the best PvP or Duel arena
Nope. Don't hate that crap shotgun fest any less.