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Edited by ēłøH tïhŠ: 5/26/2017 6:15:30 PM

Your own lightsaber/ ability.

If you could own any lightsaber in Star Wars, be it canon or not, what would it be? Include; Colour, shape, quantity, and other things. Optional; include 1 complimentary force ability. Personally; [spoiler]I would wield duel sickles, orange with a black core, the colour used by assassins. My ability would be to use the force to bend the light around me, therefore becoming invisible. [/spoiler]

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  • 1 Blue Crossguard

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    • Edited by GhostCreeper99: 5/30/2017 2:07:43 AM
      Red double sided lightsaber Form 6 and 7 Force lighting as main power Simple and I like the sith better than the Jedi [spoiler]There is a joke between my friends and I started it and I am palpatine.[/spoiler]

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    • I'd have a white lightsaber and a black lightsaber. Train in forms 2, 3 and 7 My time would be devoted to mind tricks, mind probing (like Kreia, not that wimpy bitch kylo), and hiding my presence (also like Kreia) as well as shielding myself from those techniques

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    • Edited by Monty: 5/29/2017 12:13:55 PM
      My lightsaber would be shaped as a teaspoon and would be red and black. My ability would be to put a force barrier around me as I empty my opponents inside with my spoon.

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    • My light saber would keep true to the spirit of the motherland! It shall be a duel ended light saber sporting the red colors of the prosperous communist party! It shall be fashioned as a hammer on the top and a sickle on the bottom, and I will proceed to kick capitalist ass!

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      • Bump

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        • Nird

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          • Edited by The Vigilante: 5/28/2017 4:39:41 AM
            Personally; I would wield duel sickles, orange with a black core, the colour used by assassins. My ability would be to use the force to bend the light around me, therefore becoming invisible. [spoiler]Fastest thing i've ever memed.[/spoiler]

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            • Just an ordinary heavy repeater, cus light sabers "are for nerds" My special ability: die fairly quickly when facing any saber user.

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              • Well, i'd have dual sabers with a flintlock style grip. basically i curves and thickens a the end to fit your hand. and they would be with unstable red and black crystals. and i would have the force thought bomb.

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              • Blue lightsaber staff and force ability would be battle meditation

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              • 2 curved hilts like Assaj ventris but with a black and gold hilt. As for color a nice deep purple. As for ability either dun moch or force storm.

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              • [i]kartoffel [/i]

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              • A lightsaber that I can cause to turn into any weapon. Become a gun, shield, etc. Morph reality with the force. Anything that has a strong connection with the force is something Id manipulate.

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              • One black and one white saber. Force power: White Guilt. The ability to instantly win any fight by bringing up race.

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                • A Lightsaber Pike (or is it called something else now?) with a red blade, and Battle Meditation, which allows me to sap the will of my enemies while bolstering my allies and my own resolve to win, as my complimentary power. Or maybe Dun Moch. The ancient Sith art/power of so thoroughly dominating an opponent in combat, mentally and physically, that they willingly submit themselves to you. Both would be a compelling power to have, honestly, so choosing is fairly difficult...

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                • Dual Short Lightsabers, Curved Handles (so basically Asajj Ventress' Lightsabers) Colour? A nice Dark/Deep Blue Force Power? Basically Force Telekenesis, so i could throw and Recall the Lightsabers at will (as well as force people into them)

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                • Dual wield double sided lightsabers. All blue.

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                  • Edited by DeAtH_AnGeL-182: 5/28/2017 9:49:36 AM
                    The handle would look like that but instead it would be black and silver and the cristal would also be silver, as for the force...[spoiler]thunder[/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by SuperStormDroid: 5/28/2017 7:21:09 AM
                    My lightsaber would be light blue with a kyber crystal core. The shape of it would resemble the Z-saber from Mega Man Zero. My force ability would be force jumping, so I can do wall jumps like Mega Man X.

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                  • 2 red small light sabers. Maybe not just 2 but a butt ton I'd throw at people. Throwing knives sci fi version

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                  • Would use just a normal red saber. Ability would be able to create shockwaves around myself to push everything near me away.

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                  • Literally a normal one but I hold it backwards... [spoiler]I Don't Know Why But When I Was A Kid This Is What I Would do. So that's what it'd be.[/spoiler]

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                  • The tracking light saber blaster [spoiler]literally a gun that shoots tracking light sabers nothing else nothing more[/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by Prey EU: 5/26/2017 1:08:46 AM
                    My blade would have a curved hilt, similar to Count Dooku because I feel the fencing style to be much for efficient. Green blade, so I think that's a sentinel? Can't remember. And my complementary power would be force choke (If we aren't going with the official lore I would have chosen a whip type light saber. Look up concept art if confused)

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                    • I would wield an entire collection of lightsabers. It would come to eight sabers in total, with four on a chest bandolier and two at each side of my waist. Each one would be able to connect to another and form 4 saberstaves. There would be 4 green, and four blue, to represent my mixed qualities of a knight and scholar of the Force. I would need all of the sabers for a special technique lifting several lightsabers into the air and spinning them as a massive pinwheel. It could block any blaster fire, could cut through things like a plasma saw, or a blade could be launched from it into enemies. The concept is entirely based on the idea of slinging lightsabers through the air, turning the practitioner into the ultimate fighting machine.

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