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10/28/2018 1:12:48 AM

250 In Competitive and played 4 stack with 2 not forgottens

So just to start out, I am not a good player. I have good guns and win maybe 20% of my rumble games and have a 1.2 kd oa. I have 2000 pts in qp and 250 in Competitive. Since i never play any competitive my rank was the lowest. I decided I'd play one game and see how sweaty it was and boy was it a sweat fest. My first game of Competitive in Season 4 was at 250 pts and the team I played was a 4 stack of people with 2 not forgottens and 1 lunas howl and the other had ace badlands. After losing 100 - 6 in control (btw my team was all randoms with a 340 light player) i stood back from my pc and just thought to myself, my completely pissed off self, how in the -blam!- did I just play a not forgotten 4 stack at the lowest rank in competitive crucible. YES I KNOW ITS COMP BUT I MEAN REALLY? THESE PEOPLE HAVE GOTTEN THE HIGHEST RANK TO GET THE GUN SO WHY THE -blam!- ARE THEY DOWN HERE WITH ME. I played for the rest of the day against the same 3 4 stacks on the eu server and each time i got smacked. I just alt f4'd and played some witcher to calm down. So, after hearing my story what do you think. Does anyone have a smartass comment to say about why im playing people with not forgotten and 240 pts rank in comp? Well please tell me how this is RANKED. And btw I looked these guys up, (one of the teams) 1 was an old friend from a season 1 clan who has 80 FLAWLESS RUNS. These guys were top 500 and the sweatiest of the sweats. Explain to me how I played them at the minimum rank of comp. It sorta felt like a GE playing a Silver 1 in cs.

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