Now I have seen some funny and also crazy stuff on this site but - how is this sexual / gory / or explicit?
Another forum post removed for what? How does the moderation even work in the forums?
I am GENUINELY curious to know now?
My post starts at the “?” Stating geo mags is an amazing super still.
Don’t start a flame war or slinging insults. I am actually starting to wonder?
I'd really like to see an answer from the moderators as to why this happened. This is stupid.
Please keep in mind that some of the forum monitor’s have lead a sheltered life .... so try to be nice to them and everything will work out fine [spoiler] because you could end up like me .. banned from the forum for 30 days just for telling someone to get a sense of humour🙊🙉🙈[/spoiler]
Wow. That's all I got. Wow.
Your 3rd link, you misspelled Chaos and the way it's misspelled is a derogatory term for a birth defect affecting the male... Thingy. You may have been auto-bopped? Either that or that particular Ninja has nothing better to do with his time.