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Clan Recruitment

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2/6/2022 4:09:49 PM

Psychotic Fox Clan is looking for members

Psychotic Fox Clan is recruiting So you're thinking of joining a clan. Let me start by saying, here within Psychotic Fox you will find a full mix of people and players. We have something and someone for everybody. We hold the ideology of helping others in every way possible as close to our gamer hearts as we can. We don't scrutinise your gear, we don't judge how you play, we don't point out your weaknesses and we don't say no when we can say yes. This clan was established with the central goal of helping destiny players of all types ages, creeds and colours to achieve those things that for one reason or another seem just out of reach. So what do we like to do? In short everything, but to put a little more clarity in the mix. We have skilled members in all areas of the game from general gameplay areas such as, strikes, gambit and standard crucible, to more heavily skilled areas of the game such as trials, dungeons, raids and any and all tricky situations. We have someone for it all. How can we help you? Help is the key word for us here. We love nothing more than to hear our new members' happiness after finally being able to get through the raids and dungeons no one would take them in because they didn't have this weapon or weren't that level and did not supply their DNA sample on LFG. We simply aim to help where we can. If you're in need of a friendly group of guardians to help guide your hand toward that illusive exotic we can help, if you're in need of a support group to help you reach that next level in PVP we're right here. We hold the ideology of helping others as a central pillar within our clan. IRL (In Real Life) We want to make absolutely sure you see what our view is here. We understand fully that sometimes life gets in the way whatever the reason we won't ever hold it against you. We have such a variety of players in this clan who have a rainbow of job, family and similar requirements IRL and we understand fully that not everyone can be where they said they were going to be and when every single time without fail. Sometimes you just simply don't want to play and we get that. Bottom line is we support each other, we don't poke and prod when it just doesn't go our way. We are not now nor will we ever be an Elitists clan in any form. So what's the rules there? We don't have many as we don't like to limit our members' potential. That being said, the ones we do have, we ask only that you respect those rules to the fullest of your ability as they were painstakingly crafted around this clan's ideology and make us who we are. Don't be “That Guy” - not everything always goes our way like it or not, that's a fact of life. What does not help when someone is having a bad time is jumping on their back and adding weight to their stressful situation. We aim to help not hinder please remember that. Act with respect to your fellow clan members - treat them as you would like to be treated, remember no one enjoys feeling like they are the problem even if it's true. We all have our weaknesses as we do our strengths but if a fellow clan member seems to be struggling then struggle with them and do what you can to help them out of that struggle. Dont think because they are not what you are they cant be as effective. In 2022 It's baffling this has to be said but sadly it is a fact of life for the time being at least. You're a guy she's a girl, you're a girl he's a guy, she him it they mr mrs master whatever it may be. If that's their choice it isn't yours to take from them so in summary - respect others wishes and don't assume just because you have something they don't that they're not as good as you. The final but golden rule Games can become very stressful and often we vent that directly into the crowd but remember that crowd is your clan should you join. So I will say this clearly here and now - We will not tolerate aggressive disrespectful targeted agro no matter what the cause. We like to think we are fair and as such we will give everyone fair warning but if that same feature that caused the warning persists you will be removed. We aim to work together and play together and ultimately have as much fun together as we possibly can. That's our ultimate goal. That being said we would love nothing more than for you to be a part of that. Well that about wraps it up. If you like the sound of what we're about then please come join the clan. We look forward to building the Psychotic Fox Clan to greater heights with you as one of the many pillars that hold up the walls of this house.

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