It's been a while since I've discussed the Liking system and the lack of Saved Threads feature on A couple of days ago I saw someone make a post about how it's stupid that people don't just like a thread rather than making a comment as nondescript as I agree or that's a great idea. Well random community member who I don't remember I'll tell you why right now.
The Webteam removed the Saved Threads feature and say that the Liking system is supposed to be it's replacement. In [url=]this thread[/url] SkilPhil has a great suggestion for the site about time stamps on OPs.
While SkilPhil had a great idea in this thread I only used to Save Threads that were particularly funny/insightful/memorable and while this is a great idea and I agree it should be implemented, it does not meet those qualifications. Hell even a pair of Ninjas post those nondescript I agree responses.
If I started Liking every thread that I simply agreed with my new list of Saved Threads would be full of threads that I agreed with but weren't particularly awesome. (Not to say that this is not a good idea Phil.)
That various community members is why there should be a separate system for Saving Threads, and Liking a post/thread.
I agree...that was a quality thread. Seriously though you make a fair point - sometimes I 'like' an informative thread so it has a better chance of making it to the trending page so others can read it, it doesn't always mean I want to archive it or want to read it again in the future.