Bungie, i don't know what is going on, please help me. I was playing fine since the launch day but today i couldn't play a single match. Every time that a I tried to walk 3 steps in any planet something happens and i'm back to orbit with one of the following errors BEE, CENTIPEDE and CACAO. I can't believe, the sunday is the only day that i'm not working and i can't even play the dawn game!!!!
I tried everything to fix this, i changed the router 3 times, the cables and the network configs but these things didn't work!!!!
I'm playing in a PS3.
Is this some kind of server issue? I don't believe that i'm the only one with this problem.
Now i saw new error codes on my game: Rabbit and Hare
This is so weird. I was reading a post from a few days ago and he said bungie had an add that said bee. This was like 3 years ago.