Ardent Hawks is a PS4 Destiny Clan comprised mostly of Australian and New Zealander gamers, although this group is not locked to any specific region or timezone - we have over 150 members and have 3 subclans with players from all over the world! In particular, Hawks Insurgency is an EU-based subclan backed by the Ardent Hawks Alliance!
We Raid, Strike, Crucible, Queens Bounty, Iron Banner and Story, as well as bus run Normal Raids for lower level members yet to complete a raid! Ardent Hawks works to ensure we provide an active social network for mature gamers, PVE or PVP - wherever you go the Ardent Hawks have your back!
There is an active age limit of 20 years old and up for Ardent Hawks and all subclans.
--- If you decide to join, join the main clan here:
--- Then you will have to join a subclan. Join Hawks Insurgency by clicking here:
--- After you have joined Insurgency refresh the page on the website version of the link and click the 'set as Playstation Clan' button next to the Interact button. Once you have done this you will have access to your subclan chat in-app and your clantags will appear in-game