Every 4/20, I start my morning by sprinkling legal cocaine on my pancakes. I am not an addict, I just love trying new things every now and then at precisely 7:00 A.M. every morning.
Another example is sometimes I put a legal marijuana into a blender and mix it until it turns to liquid. Then I use a needle to inject that legal marijuana juice directly into my eyeballs. It feels really euphoric.
I'm feeling especially creative this 4/20. Help me out Flood?
You should try lacing a 9mm with drugs then discharging said round into your temple. Make sure to slightly tilt the discharging device away from the back of your head in order to get the full effect. :) Clear enough for you?
1.) Take the drugs. 2.) Put them on the closest, hard-surface table you can find. 3.) Organize them all together into a nice pile in front of you. 4.) Meditate and get to your happy place. Make sure you are sitting down within a good distance of the table. 2.) Without holding back, smash your face into the table repeatedly until the drugs enter your body through your face. 0.) If you're not feeling the drugs, then keep going. It just means you're not trying hard enough.
Pound up Doritos into crumbs and mix with Mountain Dew then put that mix in needle and inject it into your peehole
It's almost inventive to use standard methods at this point. "Oh, a joint, how exotic"
Cocaine is now ingested by packing ones belly button full of the powdery substance and going for a light jog. As the body sweats the drug is absorbed directly into the persons soul, giving off a [i]spiritual[/i] high as some would call it.
Assemble various drugs you would like to use. Clothes off. Sit on drugs. Sphincter clench. Use screwdriver as ramrod to fill you anus. Turn around. Pick up more with your dick, with a meterstick as ramrod here. Alternate until finished. Then, finish off with 14 pounds of cocaine in the ears.
Rub heroin on your taint and go jogging.
Stick it up your ass
Try mixing vodka and cocaine then eyeballing it.
Insert catheter into penis, and sprinkle meth directly into bladder.