Hi guys i was wondering when should you hip fire with a shoty or aim with the shot
package, was wondering in with situations thanks again guys
Edit: or should i always aim and shoot
Edit:Tried everyone advice yesterday,made a big difference thanks again! appreciated
Shot package is better than the range finder at close range Range finder is better than shot package at long range Hope this makes sense to you ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
I always just point, aim and shoot at same time.
In a panic situation, spam away. If you think you have the upper hand ADS for the range.
Go get a real gun. That's my advice. Oh and I don't mean thorn. Try a good pulse or the last word. And maybe a shotgun just in case you know.
If you need shotgun tips I suggest you give up pvp
Hold x or square while hovering over pvp shotgun
Shoot when things are moving towards you
Dismantle and purchase a sniper
-Reroll for full auto because its animal
Remove the scope from a sniper.
point your shotty in general direction of enemy, pull trigger. That is all
Equip a sniper thats the best tip i have for shotty user
Aim at all times, you will Kill from extreme ranges granted you've got a Madator/party crasher type shotty
Always aim. Even if they're 2 inches in front of you.
If you have those perks always aim and shoot, if you don't it doesn't matter as much
always aim because that's what activates the rangefinder and shot package perks. I always quick scope.
You should always aim, unless you turn into an enemy player from around the corner and don't have time to react.
Almost always aim unless you are pretty much touching them.
Id say hip fire when within melee range and aim when just outside of melee range.