This newly buffed rocket launcher has me very curious & poses many questions..
Like how much can damage can it output?
Is it worth the 150 legendary marks?
But most importantly.. How does it compare to the almighty gjallarhorn? Does it outclass it?
I had literally 5 min to mess with the new perks during my lunch break but meanwhile I'm stuck here at work & am wondering what other people with more playtime with it think of the new dragons breath.
So, is this the the new era of a better rocket launcher?
If I understand correctly, you have to hold the fire trigger and then release it to explode the weapon. That means that you shoot, hold still and wait for it to explode, then reload before another shot can be fired. Must be a hell of a bomb in order to do any DPS at all.
Edited by LibGuy: 12/9/2015 10:01:30 PMIn case anybody doesn't know, you can get exotic engrams from the 3ofC now too. I got a Thunderlord from one last night. Edit: Sorry, exotic [b]HEAVY[/b] engrams, obviously
It out-awesomed the MIDA Multi-Tool.
It has horseshoes built in now. Its worth it.
Is it gally? Hell no. Is it awesome? Hell yes. Is it better than any other rocket right now? Probably.
In pvp it's most useful in Rift and control. People swarm a lot more there abs thanks to the remote donation you can get the napalm in some pretty nice places on the map without risking your own hide. Pve I don't have as much experience, it gets the job done but I'm not sure how the numbers stack up to other launchers. Interesting note: it doesn't explode, the napalm completely replaces the normal rocket explosion. Direct hits deal some pretty respectable damage and then the canister falls to the ground and the fire begins. Lasts a while and covers a fairly large area. Surplus looks like it stacks with ruin wings so I'm gonna use this as my go-to exotic in pve.
Wouldn't it be pretty mean against the sisters?
Dragons breathe is pretty useful in some situations lol
Tried yr1 , which has same perks as yr2 The flames look awsome, but I'm distinctly underwhelmed. I'll not buy yr2.
Infused my truth into it
New perk sounds Awesome