Are majority of the people playing this game racist? It seems that way and it’s kind of ridiculous that you can’t report players or clans for being racially intolerant. You’d think with the quick response to the hunter gauntlet issue that there would be options for specifically this reason, but alas here we are. More specifically white kids who think it’s funny to call black characters and people “n***ers, retards and fags” unapologetically.
One of whom is wanting to be a teacher for kids and that is a scary thought with having all three of the for-mentioned slurs in my family, if you have loved ones, family or friends who are part of the black community, physically disabled or part of the LGBT communities, please help in reporting these sorts of garbage humans and get them out of a community that is supposed to be accepting of all walks of life, except racists.
I mean I'm disabled call me a retard all day I dont care your nobody important yourself