So i've heard that cross saving is now coming and that's awesome since i've got a pc now and i've got all the dlc for destiny 2 on ps4 but shadow keep and also my gear that i'd like to transport over. However will i need to buy the game again for pc for it to work or can i wait for the destiny new light to come out and use cross saving there? I dont really want to buy the game twice to be honest. Also if i pre-order the deluxe edition of shadow keep will i lose it if i use cross saving on that version?
[quote]So i've heard that cross saving is now coming and that's awesome since i've got a pc now and i've got all the dlc for destiny 2 on ps4 but shadow keep and also my gear that i'd like to transport over. However will i need to buy the game again for pc for it to work or can i wait for the destiny new light to come out and use cross saving there? I dont really want to buy the game twice to be honest. Also if i pre-order the deluxe edition of shadow keep will i lose it if i use cross saving on that version?[/quote] PC move Cross save mostly speculation. More info will be given closer to September. If you choose to activate cross-save with D2 you will have the ability to choose from one of your PLATFORM saves so that it can be used on all platforms moving forward. For example: Xbox has characters 1/2/3 PSN has characters 4/5/6 PC/BNet/Steam has characters 7/8/9 And you choose the PSN characters then it becomes Xbox has characters 4/5/6 PSN has characters 4/5/6 PC/BNet/Steam had characters 4/5/6 You won't be able to access characters 1/2/3 and 7/8/9 when Cross-Save is active. In order to access characters 1/2/3 and 7/8/9 cross-save needs to be disabled (assuming it can be toggled off and on). If you have D2 content on one platform that's not purchased on another then that doesn't suddenly mean you gain the licenses for those DLC when Cross-Save is active. You still need to purchase the corresponding content for each connected platform in order to access that expansion’s content. Only the base game, Curse of Osiris DLC and Warmind DLC is free-to-play for all platforms this coming September. You need to Buy Forsaken+Forsaken Annual Pass and Shadowkeep for each platform. Cross Save will preserve all gear, character, and items across all platforms regardless of expansion ownership.