Killzone guys (Guerilla) working on something "completely different to killzone". Sony's investing in dem first party games.
Killzone is fckin awesome. Don't like it? Don't play it. The End.
Hopefully its zelda kazooie warfare of the civil war rome diddy kong racing fps mmorpg
Well Killzone is a very mediocre game, so... I honestly wouldn't expect any big things.
no surprise. Sony's always had a better focus on first party IPs.
You know those "helldivers" concept pages on deviant art? I hope it that in a game!
If ND can go from Jak and Daxter to uncharted, I want to see what GG can cook up.
We've known this for awhile.
Very skeptical. They've only done Killzone for the Last Decade. I'm not so sure this is a push for a new IP from the studio or from their publisher Sony. I actually don't know the details behind their contract, so it could be that this new IP could be coming to multiple platforms. The point is, Guerilla has a very limited game selection, ranging from Killzone to.. that's basically it. I don't know if they do have the ability to flesh out a new IP.
Please god do an open-world RPG, I would absolutely love to see how gorgeous and interactive they could make there world.
Edited by Hunter: 9/30/2013 8:30:15 PMI can't wait to see what their new IP is.
What did they do with the old one