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Feral Vikings

„Honor. Courage. Unity.“

  • Missions-Statement

    [b][i]We drive light into darkness, ferreting out the cowardly beasts within. Our resolve never falters, bringing honor to our comrades and our city.[/i][/b] Feral Vikings aims to be a team-oriented, community-driven clan without mandatory obligations, where members can be as serious or relaxed as they want. Current goals: - Building a fluid fire team community - Establishing a clan-driven (typically weekly) event rhythm - Capitalizing on all current events - Plundering the galaxy - Growing as a unit and helping each other

  • Mitgliedschaft

    101 Mitglieder
    Gesamtzahl der Benutzer, die dieser Gruppe beigetreten sind.
    9 Jahre als Gruppe
    Gesamtzahl der Jahre, die diese Gruppe bereits aktiv ist:
  • Administratoren

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