[quote] It appears that we’ve just seen yet another surprise from the climate system — and yet another process, like the melting of Antarctica, that seems to be happening faster than previously expected. And indeed, much like with that melting, the upshot if the trend continues is an especially bad sea level rise for the United States — the country more responsible than any other on Earth for the global warming that we’re currently experiencing. [/quote]
Basically even if you're a person who denies the whole thing, there's still no down side to pushing for more renewable energy development and usage. Energy independence relies on renewables, and energy independence has literally no down side economically, or environmentally.
Please note, this doesn't mean there will be some catastrophic end of the world day after tomorrow shit. Its just means we are causing ourselves more issues, and it can be prevented.
For comprehensive information [url=http://climate.NASA.gov]check here[/url]
Since this seems to be a big issue thats often brought up [b]I'll spell it out below.[/b]
Co2 isn't the most potent greenhouse gas at all, but it is a greenhouse gas. So what's the big deal then? The literal metric tons of [b]Co2 we put into the air causes a very small amount heating[/b]. In fact you could argue that its probably not that noticeable. But here's why its the key to the snowball affect.
[b]Warmer air holds considerably more water vapor than cold air and water vapor is by far the very best greenhouse gas.[/b] That little tiny rise in global temp one year means that all the air can hold significantly [b]more water vapor[/b] which does greatly cause heating, more heating means more ice melt, and rising sea levels and [b]more water vapor[/b]. More ice melt and higher sea levels means more exposed oceans to absorb sunlight, which means more heating, and so on. This creates this giant positive feedback loop of heating and enhancing of the greenhouse affect.
This would Normally be offest by seasonal changes, but the constant increase in Co2 means the base amount of water vapor the atmosphere can annually hold is gradually increasing, thus attributing to the increase in avg global temperature, and all the negative affects of that. Our Co2 production is the kid at the top of the hill pushing the snowball.
I hope that's clear.
I think the earth goes through warm and cold cycles. This may be a warm cycle. But I don't think it is solely human caused. I think the earth will eventually go back into a cold cycle on its own and the arctic will freeze up again.
Who the hell cares? [spoiler]don't say "you should because it's your planet" bullshit[/spoiler]
Global Warming, eh? I thought we called it "Climate Change" now.
Oil companies will always find a reason why some new form of energy won't work.
If water is what is causing the problem, why don't we just get rid of every last drop of it? >global warming catastrophe averted
It seems to me nearly all research that is blown up and published by various media outlets is pseudoscience. They keep changing the disasters, they keep changing the names, they really don't know what the -blam!- is going on. All they do is publish and blow up certain crap screw ball theories for whatever will work with them towards their agenda. The best part is these -blam!- wads like al ogre expect me to bike 15 miles to work to save more on my already TINY 'carbon footprint' while he has 5 houses all 3 or 4 times the size of mine and takes a private jet everywhere. Al ogre isn't a credible guy... He claimed he invented the internet! And I can only guess how much money he has made off of that 'carbon offset crap' which by the way does literally nothing to save the environment. Furthermore some folks are so close minded about the terrors of fossil fuels and don't realize there is no such thing as clean energy. Sure some things may carry less of a carbon footprint but they also are far less efficient. Nuclear energy creates nuclear waste and the possibility of explosions, dams block and flood different Eco systems, there are pros and cons with EVERY energy source. For example those energy efficient light bulbs save a tiny but of electricity but are full of toxic crap that will continue to harm the environment long after it is removed from your home. All that being said I fully agree and support 'greener' living I just hate all the crap the media, political leaders and 'scientists' shove down our throats to try and force us into it. Releasing fossil fuels and all the shit we have done to the planet probably isn't great for it but I personally think the earth is more competent than we think it is when dealing with humanities shit. The earth just goes through cycles and changes on its own from Pangea splitting to the ice age long before we had any influence.
Despite the exponential increase in C02, there has been no warming trend in over 17 years.
At this point, I say hotbox the whole planet. fuk it highh lyfe. People don't deserve what they have.
You will never take away my V8 Engine from me
The doom and gloomers have been spouting the end of the world for 50 years straight, nothing new here. They've changed the name so many times we've lost count.
Fake and gay.
My friend once told me that global warming wasn't a thing. Because you know how it eventually leads to an ice age or whatever but we've had on already and their wasn't anything to cause it so their fore it wasn't a thing. And that's the closes anyone's gotten me to think that global warming wasn't real. But I hang out with to many hippies so if I didn't believe in global warming I wouldn't have any friends.
Global warming isn't a thing
Please don't get me started on this topic. Don't have any more tables to flip.
Bearbeitet von PuppyDuckMSB: 3/24/2015 1:41:37 AMI don't care about politics so don't take this in a really political way, I just don't pay attention to them for the most part. I only care about things that I can see in my life and where I feel confident in my opinion. I have no idea how things will be affected if taxes are a little higher or a little lower or if some program is cancelled or gets more funding. For the most part from my POV that stuff doesn't actually matter! It's all just talk and somebody "wins" but my life is the same so why should I care?? So with climate change, I was a big believer! 99.9% of scientists are most likely right, doesn't that make sense? But I get headlines on my phone (sometimes I read the story and sometimes I just look at the headline) and it's like ping pong! It's like ... Ice Melting Really Fast, We're Doomed You Guys then There Is More Ice Now Than 100 Years Ago LOL then Hottest Year Ever As We Enter Death Spiral then It Has Actually Not Gotten Hotter For 15 Years then Yes It Has So Gotten Hotter, by 0.1 Degree But It Is Totally Hotter then By The Way The Only Reason It Hasn't Gotten Hotter Is Oceans And That is Over So Now It Really Will Get Hotter It has gone from seeming like an obviously big problem to me to seeming like a bunch of idiots arguing! I am tuning it out from now on! Most of my friends still care about it so I feel like a traitor kind of but I just really don't understand it and I have things I am more interested in thinking about like my relationship and my friends!
How can something that does not exist be slowing the ocean currents?
The ice caps are growing And there are downsides to renewable energy Windmill farms kill hundreds of thousands of birds every year. I thought you were pro environment? Also it is a lot of money
So nothing is screwing up the oceans? Crap.
Bearbeitet von Woupsea: 3/23/2015 9:12:57 PMI don't get the idea that we don't need renewable resources when gas is 3$ per gallon Even if you're a drill baby drill fgt you've gotta admit it's expensive
-blam!- conservatives. Also, who cares about ocean currents? What about all the other bad shit global warming causes?
[url=http://example.com] Ur mum[/url]
[quote]They also take up huge tracts of land, fry birds, have the cleaned of dust and snow, and only work in sunlight (good luck Pacific Northwest). Renewable produce 3-5% on our national energy needs, shits inefficient.[/quote]
[b] [/b]
The conservative shills are strong in this thread
Good. Let's slow down those currents. They were going waaaaay to fast.