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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von Guardian2601: 4/14/2015 9:48:20 PM

Tired of babies

This topic has been covered several times but still.... STOP CRYING! Why is nothing ever good enough for anyone anymore? I wish we could get rid of all modern video games and go back to 16 bit cartridges. Maybe that would give some perspective to all these jaded turds. I bought destiny in january and guess what? I knew exactly what I was getting into! For all the good and bad I knew what was coming and I spent the money. Same with tdb, and I'll do the same with how. There is no excuse to buy something sight unseen anymore. Unless you like being the first to have something, and if you are then you can't be mad since you went in blind. There are countless websites, videos, and forums devoted to reviewing video games. So in summary: If you don't like it - stop playing If you can't afford it - don't buy it If you don't think you will like it - research it Nobody is in the dark here guys no matter how much we pretend to be. If you agree with me, cool If you don't, cool I just needed to vent, cuz when it comes to whiney babies........I'm a whiney baby
#Destiny #babies

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