Just want to see where the community is at. I would have preferred Phogoth, because we haven't seen him since March. It is kinda frustrating to know that Bungie, um, talks about variety, but really, we had Omnigul 2 weeks ago. I'm still gonna do it because, hey, I need the coins for ammo.
Edit corrected last time Phogoth was in town.
Edit: Check these out concerning Phogoth and Omnigul
There are plans afoot to change strikes for the weekly and nightfall. I CBA doing this weeks without a burn.
Soooo much glimmer
I don't have TDB and I won't be getting HOW so it means 2 weeks without the nightfall, a game with little content keeps locking me out of content which is a bad sign of what mainstream games have become
Im on vacation so I don't care
I needed to add to my bank so it was great farming.
Its just getting annoying because it feels like we've only been running omnigul or archon for far too long
It's all right, but it's nice to have more variety.
Figured it would be Omnigul. The Nightfall/Weekly being Dark Below content before House Of Wolves is released just makes sense.
I visited omnigul's little room four times today. First time was our own doing. We died at the boss battle on nightfall so what ever. Then got through that and went on into match making for weekly. Do the entire thing only to be taken to orbit with some lame error code that basically means the servers dropped you. That happened several times at omnigul of all places. Not my connection either. I am so sick of that strike now All that time spent and got a lousy fusion rifle that I swapped into 2 energies and 3 weapons parts and nine lovely strange coins. I say this also to remind folks that bungie tells us how there is no checkpoint in the prison of elders so when their servers drop us to orbit and you know they will be ready to start the march of doom all over again. That set of stuff just looks like an endless grind to me.
I can deal with Archon twice, but I hate Arc burn cause it benefits the enemy more than us
I was actually expecting omnigul to be this weeks
I find omnigul to be the easiest strike for a nightfall so I'm glad.
I wasn't planning on doing any weeklies, so I don't care
Would have rather had something like valus with arc burn... Thatd be nice. Lol
Bearbeitet von XxRed-EX-DeathxX: 5/12/2015 6:53:35 PMHate her constantly screaming bs. And the fact it seems like it's her every other week... When is the last time it was ta aurc. Or nexus. Or psions... Nope just -blam!-ing omnigul and archon preist... It gets too repetitive
I bought a Thunderlord from Xur, but at first wasn't a huge fan of it at first. Maxed it anyways, and glad I did. Made this strike (with arc burn) go by much faster. I kept spraying her with bullets while a friend hit her with rockets and another stayed safe and kept reviving (no we didn't do the cheese), and she went down in about 3 minutes. I had a good team on both my runs this morning and actually enjoyed it.
Not really my favorite, still enjoy it. Don't mind it's last one before HoW drops. Sort of putting a close on TDB (although it'll always be there)
Where the hell has Phogoth been?
We saw Phogoth 24 March. The only reason I know is because it managed to be the first time I solo'd a nightfall since I hit 32, and I happened to record it. But, a nightfall is a nightfall. Doesn't bother me.
I love the Omnigul Strike. My favorite one. I'd be happy doing it everytime. [i]Silence Her Screams[/i]
We had her nightfall around 2 weeks ago i swear. Same with the stupid archon priest nightfall ...same burns toi
Love this strike; lots of fun yellow things to shoot.
I'm skipping this week. Rng hates me and the coins I don't need
Lucky it's Omnigul, not Valus.
About a 2 weeks ago.. Agoo..
We've had Archon Priest, then Omnigul, then Archon Priest again, and right back to Omnigul. Really? That's a month and only 2 strikes were used.