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Destiny 2 wird aus geplanten Wartungsgründen morgen offline sein. Bleibt mit @BungieHelp auf dem Laufenden.


Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
5/19/2015 4:45:15 AM

'Bonuses' tab in advisors. (probably old news)

I noticed this AGES back (like just after TBD, or around that time) and never got around to posting it, so this is probably old news and such, but has anyone noticed the "bonuses' section in the Advisors tab of your character profile? Because it seems to include some progression for unlocking drops in gamemodes, as youll see from the picture. I just found this interesting. Also the weapon progression increases the amount of exp you get with that weapon type, so turns out each kill isnt worth the same amount for every weapon you hold. Its Just interesting to me, is all.

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