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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von TheSolidChrome: 6/5/2015 8:29:37 AM

Vex got inaccurate after recent patch

I noticed it and want it to be fixed


noticed it and dont want it to be fixed


I didn't notice it and want it to be fixed


I didnt noticed it and dont want it to be fixed


The almighty Vex got so innacurate its not even funny, even at point blanc range im having difficulties at killing someone. Vex was perfect before this patch, not OP nor weak. Please undo the nerf for the Vex Bungie! It was one of my fav weapons in PvP and PvE. Edit 1: nice to see majority of the people are agreeing. There are some people that say that they didnt noticed anything though.

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