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Bearbeitet von ReaperBlack_201: 6/11/2015 5:00:41 PM

We extremely need a BOSS CHECKPOINT for Prison of Elders!!!!!

Hi, You guys know we have all have a life and most of us has a job right? Are you guys seriously doing this decisions to piss of people? Why we don't have checkpoint? Who cares? There are thousands of people on lfg sites with posts like "Poe Lvl34 boss waiting" etc. We have limited time!!! Not everybody earn as much as you, we need to work, we need to sleep and we had to play our game because we -blam!-ing paid for it! Last night ı struggle at Poe boss for an hour with 2 of my friends which they are newbie and we had to quit with no rewards at all! -blam!- this shit! You guys need to do something for players this time not for MONEY!!!! This is not a suggestion, this has to be done! Edit: I don't care how Bungie gonna implant this system and i really don't care. I just don't want my progress lost for nothing. Edit 2: People who are posting i should quit this game are missing the point. And that is a really poor answer. Edit 3: People think i am a bad player, i just laughed so hard. Poor fellas.

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  • From what I have seen posted by various people around this forums on this issue (including my own ideas), there are many different ways that Bungie could improve checkpoints from the way they have been implemented for Raids to minimize the issue of sharing checkpoints without penalizing those who join in to help. The problem with this whole discussion though is that it MASKS the URGENCY that Bungie needs to approach the issue of getting checkpoints into PoE. We need to get checkpoints NOW (ASAP) and if all we have is the current system which is good enough for Raids, then let's get it in now before too many people give up on PoE out of frustration. Yes it has flaws, yes it needs to be fixed, but so do the checkpoints for Raids. I think it makes far more sense to get the current system of checkpoints (for which they have code written) into PoE now and spin off a new project to FIX CHECKPOINTS in all areas of the game to "make them more fair", where the proper amount of time can be spent to develop it and implement it properly. I work in Engineering for a living and there is a popular saying that often goes around, usually about four to six weeks before the release date of a product (this timeframe varies depending on the industry), "In the life of every product comes the moment when it is time to shoot the engineer". This is because the engineer see's the subtle flaws and often wants to make something better before it is shipped. The problem is, while there are always ways to make something better, there usually is not enough time. If we have something that solves the main problem with minor side issues, then let's use it and then plan on getting the side issues solved soon.

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