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Bearbeitet von XcEvilGenius: 6/13/2015 6:52:17 PM

Clan Creation In Game Plus Lobby Room The Solution to OPMM and LFG sites.





1/2 & 1/2 (Comment so we can help clear things up)


Hi there Fellow Guardians! there is a major issue many guardians are having. that issue being guardians locked out of most of endgame content; Due to Bungivisions Philosophy. What i am to Present Here in this Thread is that [u]Solution that complies with their Philosophy[/u] at the same time making it a group formation taking place in game. the Solution as the title Says is a Clan Creation System In Game. i will explain exactly how it works. [quote]At current, our philosophy about endgame content is that part of the challenge includes forming up a team. This is a strong community filled with players who are looking for teammates. Why not seek each other out here and band together?[/quote] [quote]Someone as organized and well spoken as OP would make an amazing Clan leader.[/quote] Bungivision has expressed how they feel Clans have been to Destiny. Very Essential to Group Play and Forming strong Bonds With Guardians. so i have brought the bridge. after the Update Implemented for this Clan Creation System In-Game. there will be a Green Notification leading you to your Vanguard Leader in the Tower. Those Leaders will hand you, What i call, a [b]"Supra Axion Idol".[/b] the Description will Read as Follows:[b] "The Speaker in Theory Thinks Guardians With Strong Connection to there Light Force Create Such Idols, in Slumber...Yet it Still Remains a Mystery As to How.."[/b] this Supra Axion Idol will look like a Miniature version of Your Class(Hunter, Titan, Warlock) in the Form of Light. It will have a glow to it also. if you hold the button required to summon your ghost instead it will summon this Supra Axion Idol. once held for a few seconds it will take you to a screen. you have the option i this screen to teleport to the lobby room. This screen will also allow you to Create a Clan or a Join Clans that have Already Been Made. for those that want to inspect players there is a designated area explain in the next paragraph. this is possible because the SAI(Supra Axion Idol) connects those guardians with a strong Light force to other guardians with a strong Light Force allowing for communication in the form of clan creations. To make it a challenge you will have to find players in-game to join your team. [u]this way it stays on par with Bungivisions Philosophy.[/u] it would take time since guardians will have to inspect the player, add them to a team to chat and see if it will workout. in turn it will make the game feel more alive. players looking to from new clans can head to a designated area in the tower. i was thinking the area behind the bounty NPC passed the Locked Doors to the left. you would enter what is called the Lobby Room. players would gather there to inspect chat and form clans in the highlighted area. there will also be designated, Highlighted areas to from groups to do game Mode Activities for those players not in a Clan. it will still remain a challenge since you will still have to inspect and chat to see if you like the player or his gear to invite to the group/clan. from there you simply head to your activity and your good to go. do take note invites from within the SAI Screen will be received through a letter from the Post Master. it will either say you have successfully joined a clan or have been rejected. also take note the highlighted areas will be in the form of symbols related to activity. the Clan Area Will be have a Unique Symbol Bungivision Can Decide On or you Guardian if you make a suggestion. if i missed something or think i should add something tell me :D to show your Gratitude Like and Comment this thread! give me your Feedback Guardians, if your going to be a Jerk or Bash do it with Knowledge.

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  • Bungie's philosophy comment is spin. I'm sure that there are technical reasons for some of the most glaring issues that plague Destiny, but lack of easy connection to other players in an MMO is a basic consideration that was apparently glossed over in the design phase. If you want to develop a game that requires teamwork, make it easy to find a team in the game. I'm not talking about third party sites or forums, but within the immersive experience itself.

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