Hey Bungie!
I love that Destiny has the feature to op-in to game chat during every game, or you can change your settings so you automatically op-in to game chat when you are by yourself in a game. I feel that many guardians do not know to do this and I always end up taking to myself during games or get party invites. Can we go back to the basics where everyone is in game chat on your team (not just fireteam) so more people that use mics are able to run strategies. I like how it was with halo. I felt everyone was talking and coming up with strategies to take out the opposing teams. I don't think anyone could disagree with this because there is always the option to mute that one player that always has to much to say about everything. I swear I'm not one of them. But i feel destiny could get alot more competitive if people were able to communicate in iron banner or skirmish without having to sit there with your ghost out trying to figure out which direction on the d-pad you need to press to be able to talk to everyone.
For the creators that have read this thank you for your time and consideration. I love what you guys are doing with this game and the changes you made to suit our needs. This game has come a long way from launch. I could say it's almost a completely different game now then what it was.
And for all the guardians out there that read this and would like to see this happen let's get this out there. Comment, repost or do whatever this app lets you do so we can see this happen. Thanks for your support. See ya in the crucible. And remember go into team chat so we know where that bladedancer is coming from so we can get our shotguns ready.
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