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7/24/2015 3:10:49 PM

Secret Round: Broken or Just Poorly Worded?

The secret round perk says that missing a shot in a burst will cause a 4th shot to be fired. This sounds like a perk that no one wants, seeing as you already missed a shot and now you lose more ammo. But many people have noticed that if you don't miss any of the 3 shots from your burst it will only count that you fired 2 (with the damage of 3, just that one of those shots returns to the gun basically). This means the perk really rewards those who know how to aim and punishes those who don't, which is all fine and dandy except for one thing: the description. The perk's description gives no indication that this is how Secret Round works. Is it a bug? A glitch? Will it be patched? Or is this just a result of a poor choice of words in the description. I want to know if I should be reforging guns with this perk because if it's not supposed to do this then it's a pretty bad perk. TL;DR - Secret Round's description doesn't explain everything that the perk actually does. Is this on purpose or is it in need of a fix?

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  • Bearbeitet von hiblast629: 10/23/2015 4:27:50 AM
    OK, seeing as this is the only post on right now. This is for anyone who googles this. It has been changed recently. So what it does now is that what ever shot you miss, will rapidly (and I mean AN-94 rapid) fire a second shot. How does this help? I dunno, but if aim assist ever -blam!-ed up your shot, or you killed and enemy and there is another right behind. I suppose that's when it would comes in handy? Also the extra hyper round never consumes your ammo in reserve or in the mag.

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