Guy died with 1200 guns and 7 TONS of ammo in his house. This is the stuff of movies and games. Said he was working for an "agency". Much wow.
Why didn't he just blast the grim reaper away when he came for him?
Yet nobody died from any of those guns, so why is this even an issue?
This is more common than people may think. My uncle the nuclear scientist passed away nearly a year ago and his place was loaded with years worth of firearms and stockpiles of ammunition. He was a lifelong NRA member. The fun part was distributing them out to the family. I got a lever-action rifle out of the deal :)
Lemme guess. Russia? Or Texas?
Died of what?
Bearbeitet von Robsim378: 8/4/2015 9:07:58 PMAs I was reading this I was thinkin "this is the onion isn't it Turns out it wasn't
Real life Raymond reddington
Die Die Die Die Die There can only be one
[b] [/b]
Lemme guess. America?
True MLG tryhard right there
Must've liked guns...
Where the fuсk do you store a small armory in your home?
He must have not been using them right if he died.
I would carry that many guns. Because reloading is for pussies
One of the last true Americans have passed
True American right there.
Tis a sad day when all of this amo will never be shot.
Noice ~yorkie
Lucky. I wish I had that many.
This was week old news. All the gun lovers said "them Feds better give the family those guns, but they just might confiscate dem, damn feds" Meanwhile logical people are going "hmmmm"
My guess, Black Ops supplier.
Then how did he die!?!?
This guy is ready for the zombie apocalypse.