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Bearbeitet von The Ominous: 8/16/2015 3:25:51 AM

HELP I am being cyber-bullied and nobody will do anything about it.

{A person} uses a cheat or glitch to join my invite only parties when i am alone, or in the middle of a raid, and even on other games. I have blocked him and muted him, but my team is always messed up when he joins because he distracts everyone, making it impossible to do anything, and i labeled this as bullying because he does this to make fun of me, make me angry, and rob me of what time i have to play with all my friends. I have talked to xbox live customer suport, reported him, made a post on the xbox live support forums, and they have done nothing yet. I need some way to get him to stop.
#Help #bullying

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  • First of all, you need to take his online name off of the public post. What you did is against bungies rules. Just giving you a heads up. Second, while you are in game have the settings so only friends can join a live party. And make sure that you have a full fire team. Remember one thing about bullies they do it to make themselves feel better, look cool, etc. If you truly don't want him around make every effort to be nice to him. It will defiantly catch him off guard. Bullies act like bullies because they see it bothers you. Once you stand up to them, they tend to back off. We never had these types of bullies when I was growing up. I cannot say what to do, other than to report this through game there is a tab for reporting. If you need someone else in a fireteam, once I get the connection issues settled with Bungie, I'll join you. If I'm online and you need some help I'll join in. Hopefully an adult can help stop the bullying. Keep yor chin up and don't feed into his garbage. Remember, they bully for 2 reasons, 1 because you react to it which feeds into it and 2 because they want to feel better about themselves. Hang in there, I hope that some other people will be able to give you some more advise.

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    • Please take his name off because that's naming names and shaming and that violates the code of conduct while in not sure if her is cheating just try not to play a lot so he can't really join you and try to play other games too

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      • Sorry to hear that they are bullying you. The best thing you can do is to use the provided in-game report system and the console report system. Seeing as you already did that you have done all you can. It's all up to the enforcement team. Also please remove their tags from your post as it is violating [b]Code of Conduct[/b] under the [b]Name and Shame[/b] rule. [url=]Code Of Conduct[/url] [url=]Reporting players[/url]

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        • Just block communications with him, also don't name and shame

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          • oh, and when i kick him, he uses another glitch to join back instantly.

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