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Bearbeitet von Borsty_86: 8/16/2015 4:32:05 PM

Sign here is you dont give two shits how someone got a weapon

Pretty self explanatory, if you truly don't care how anybody, got any weapon, at anytime, for any reason; go ahead and sign here. FYI I already had two gjallahorns. Edit: I like the response so far. Makes me have faith in this community again.

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  • Don't care Some people were using this as a poor excuse to exclude others from teams for playing. You can be lucky and get a gally in your first week or be unlucky and play all years and not get one If you can at you don't need any specific weapon to win. If you can't play, a gally won't help much. I can't think of any PvE event that I have done that needed everyone to have a gally The people who are whining are the ones that were using this to exclude people. They are the reason why Bungie put it back on Xur's list. I think one of the PoE mods should be gally = peashooter

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