So I got on my warlock today and opened all 3 of my packages to give me my class items, shaders, and emotes. After I opened the first package my class items for my warlock were full, and when I opened the other two packages I didn't get the hunter cloak or titan mark. I checked my titan and hunter, they did not get their class items, I also checked the exotic armor blueprints, and the two I did not recieve are not there. They also are not in any of my postmasters. I want to get them, but I don't know what to do now. Please Help
I also did not get the exotic cloak for my hunter. I got both exotic class items for my Titan and Warlock and that's it.
Same thing happened to me. I'm missing my titan mark. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The main reason I thought I didnt get them was that my classitems were already full and just didnt go to the post master, but since it was a glitch in the first place, I now just hope I get them the 15th.
Some of these items were delivered early by mistake. They will be made available on 9/15 when TTK goes live, that's when they should've gone live in the first place, but there was a glitch.
Yea I got 1 for my warlock exotic bond nothing for the other 2 chars
You'll get it on the 15th