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9/11/2015 4:20:17 AM

Titan Stealth Nerf?

So I, like many other guardians, have been playing (and enjoying mind you) some Crucible. However, I've com to realize that things are killing me during Fist of Havoc that previously haven't. I.e golden gun, rockets, and shotguns. Bungie, seriously, If you are going to shaft us titans even more, you might as well just remove us from the game all together. The titan player pool is stagnating and we have nothing to draw in new players. Making us worse isn't fixing the problem. Salty Titan Incoming... [spoiler]And to all of the players who say titans are over powered, shut up. They aren't. Titans are the hardest to preform with in PvP, and don't fair much better in PvE. We have 3 good exotics and a lot of shitty ones. It is not a good time to be a titan and I'm not sure if TTK will change it.[/spoiler] Bungie please, stop the stealth nerfs

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  • Shameless link: I feel the same way. It's just a problem of the game developer being a little too biased towards the other classes. Space Magic reigns supreme, regardless of what the gamers want. xEnragedCinema has commented on stream that most of his Titans friends have bad kd's in Crucible. And it's not just Strikers that have been ruined. A Defender Titan with Armor of Light can be one shot by Shoulder Charge and a single melee during Bladestriker. I remember it being two, and it gave me time with the Feedback Fences to dish out [i]just[/i] enough damage to beat a Bladedancer in PvP [i]sometimes[/i]. It looks like Bungie developers' buttholes didn't take that too kindly, and they stealth nerfed Ward of Dawn even further. I hope we can get some balancing patches again soon for the subclasses. I imagine the new ones are going to outperform the old ones for awhile too, to hype TTK even more. After the initial launch we'll probably see mentions of another upcoming balances and I imagine Sunbreaker will be drastically reformed to suck ass and Stormcaller will be made incredibly broke and Nightstalker will probably remain a stronger PvP and potentially even PvE choice for defensive strategies in TTK. They're trying very hard to discourage Defenders in PvP and I almost felt the same way for Strikers with PvE, though they're not bad off for PvE in all honesty. Just not as defensive and clutchworthy.

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