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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
9/30/2015 1:12:03 AM

Stop Whining

Are you idiots incapable of not whining about anything? Sure, Sunbreakers are powerful, they're supposed to be, and they're still able to be countered. Quit bitching about it. Sure, Nightstalker can disable Supers. They're supposed to be, and they're still able to be countered very easily. Sure, Stormcallers are very strong. Still counterable, still designed like that. [b]All of the subclasses are designed to be both strong, but able to be countered.[/b] The complaints are going to be met with one of two things, either an unnecessary patch, or nothing. I'm expecting them to do nothing. Seriously, stop. [b]This community is already pretty bad. Stop making it worse.[/b]

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