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10/7/2015 5:00:37 AM

PvE OR PvP Quests

This has been said a dozen times, but this really needs to hit home: DON'T FORCE ONE INTO THE OTHER WITH QUESTS!!!! Here are a couple of reasons why: [b]*It is tedious.[/b] Nobody likes doing something they don't like; especially if it takes a while. Forcing a PvE player into several PvP matches is just annoying. [b]*It ruins it for others.[/b] Remember Invective's quest? People camping around a corner just to have a good K/D? NOW people are trying to get sword kills with empty hilts giving themselves, and their team, a terrible score. [b]*Its lazy.[/b] Totally linear quests are rather dated. Mix it up! We paid a lot of money for this game. I could give more reasons, but they all fall into one of these categories. Please give feedback.

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