Cattle error for the past 168+ hours (7 Days) on the East Coast [Started OCT 10, 2015]
EDIT: So I contacted my ISP as a one week anniversary present to myself. Turns out it's on Bungies side. I can connect to the Destiny servers fine on my Xbox 360, but no avail, the Xbox One remains cattle full.
I've tried:
#Removing and re-adding my gamertag,
#Re-installing Destiny
#Hard resetting the Xbox One, router, and modem
#Making sure my NAT is open
#Checked that I opened all ports for Destiny, and finally
#Tried connecting directly to my modem
All other games work EXCEPT Destiny. Interesting.
Getting a response of any kind would have been nice, I've been on "hold" for almost a week now. Seriously, is this the only place to get support?
[i]Original Post:[/i]
I’ve had the cattle error for the past 96+ hours. I’ve tried all fixes, and have researched into the error. The Bungie help page makes it sound like its a locational error, are there any other players having issues in northern East Coast? I've checked reddit and other popular places for Destiny players and don't see many talking about the Cattle error (makes me worried it might be on my side)
I would like to play during this three day weekend but so far it doesn’t look like that will be possible. Hard resetting my modem/router and Xbox one haven’t helped, and I even tried removing and re-adding my gamertag to my console. All other games work and stay connected fine, so I don’t think it is an Xbox One server issue or an issue with my internet.
Any word from the people server side (fixes or updates!) would be much appreciated.
EDIT: Looking into the error more... Something interesting. Are the servers being updated/something seasonal going on? If you look up cattle error for destiny you can see results of other players having this same issue one year ago during October/November. Any word or update on what is going on would be fantastic!
The sooner this is fixed the sooner I can throw more money at the screen for the fancy new emotes! ; )
EDIT 2: Tried hard wiring the setup with a CAT cord on Tuesday. No luck. Going to update post with new hours once I get on today [OCT 15th] and see if anything has changed. [b][/b]
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