Hello, Guardians.
Right this every minute, many of you are acquiring Black Spindle. Surprise!
Wouldn't you know it, there is a bug that is enabling some of these weapons to drop at 310 - that's 20 points higher than intended. In the near future, we'll be releasing an update that will adjust the Black Spindle to match the attack rating for other Year Two Exotics.
It has also come to our attention that you are using this new acquisition to Infuse your other weapons. Good on you. Have fun with that. None of those weapons will be affected by this change - only the Spindle.
It just doesn't make much since to me. OK so make it to we're it won't drop at 310 cool. But to reduce the ones already obtained. I mean come once you hit 300 light all engrams have a chance to drop 310s. It's not like it was breaking the game. Or that the gun can't eventually reach 310. You like if for some strange reason the BS could only be upgraded to lets say 300 the then that would make since to bring everyone who has ever gotten one down. But to just do it cause it dropped wrong. That would be like hey everyone exploited the 3oC when first came out lets take all there engrams that they earn away did that happened. No you just change the 3oC and everyone was like yeah that needed to happen cause man it got kinda crazy... You see what I mean. That's really all I got not mad about it or anything its whatever. But it could have been handled better it all I'm saying really