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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von Nuffy76: 10/19/2015 12:34:41 AM

Finally did my kings fall

Just wanted to share what a great time I had popping my kings fall cherry. The team that guided me through was perfect...they were patient, understanding, explained the mechanics in an rasy way and made sure to say good job when you got it right and nice try if u got it wrong. They really kept the pressure off of being a raid virgin amongst a team of raid vets I know none of this is really important to any of u.... but if that team is reading this... THANK YOU from Nuffy I went from 297 to 303 in one run and the loot was: 310 dark hollow mantle 307 kingslayer shell 304 doom of chelchis 309 silence of A'arn 19 shards (one shy for orxy) I was told I'm a lucky sob for the cloak and shell. Lol
#Destiny #yay

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