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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von Fal Chavam: 1/1/2016 4:47:23 AM

Possible origin of the vex? Could the vex be us?

Hello and welcome to you healthy dose of theoretical thinking. Today's topic, vex origins. So I just finished watching the movie tomorrow land, (feelings of the movie aside) it threw a neat concept into my mind and eventually turned itself into this theory. [b]Spoiler warning:[/b] if you planned on watching the movie go watch it before reading this. If you've already watched it or just don't care, then continue reading. These are just the key points to touch up on. SO the movie introduces the concept of all the smart and innovative people in the world would be given an invitation to a world where anything their mind could come up with, they would be provided all the resources they would ever need to make their dream a reality. but stuff happens, and those invites never went out. The character Frank walker was able to go to Tomorrowland but ultimately got kicked out for reasons I won't go into. But as the movie carries on we meet him again where he's locked up in his house and inside his house he had a type of clock counting down the days until earth was to perish and what percent it was to happen, then more stuff happens and we find that in Tomorrowland there is a device that can predict the future and it predicts that the world will end. after that more stuff happened but that's not super important to what I'm getting at here Now for the theory. The vex are a race of supremely intelligent robots that can time travel and predict the future. How do they predict the future, a fellow theorist by the name of the_mouse_man121 can touch you up on how they do that: [url][/url] now through what we've learn from the new TTK cards we know that the vex are able to make these pocket dimensions similar to the hive throne worlds. What if the vex were in fact smart humans that made a form of "Tomorrowland" to have their own work space in a pocket dimension and were able to advance far beyond human capabilities and evolved into the vex we know today? This almost parallels the story to Tomorrowland, humans create a pocket dimension for the most intelligent and innovative of people to give them a work space away from politics and resource problems to allow their work to grow. A bad prediction is made that holds the end of humanity, robots become the inhabitants of this pocket dimension, then where they differ is the fact tomorrowland was over thrown and taken back over by the smart people again but for destiny it is possible that they stayed inside and developed into the vex. But with insufficient gear within the pocket world they couldn't predict outcomes and so they reached out to mercury to make their giant quantum supercomputer and to ensure their work wouldn't fail. Just to add on the precursors come from mars, the same place we first found the traveler and woke it up. upon getting it active again it's not crazy to say that the traveler left behind some kind of residual effect that allowed better transport between the pocket world and the real world or just simply torn some kind of hole in space. Still making the traveler as the primary cause for the vex existence. and seeing as how the traveler brought about all this new tech I suspect there may have been some variation of the pocket infinity that created the original doorway to the first pocket world. so tell me you're thoughts, could we be vex?

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