I am a parent of twin 13 year olds here in Australia and have recently purchases a PS4 with DESTINY bundled. Destiny was marked with an M classification, and here in Australia this classification (see attached link) is advisory only - meaning that if I as the parent agree that my children can watch this content then it is entirely legal to do so.
I do not want my kids having access to restricted content, so the PS4 Level 7 Parental Control is perfect for us (applicable for 12 Years old and above, and allows viewing of M content). So I created a Sony Entertainment Network account for myself and created two sub accounts for each of the 13 year olds. I have set the parental controls on these accounts to be unrestricted, and the parental controls on the device to be Level 7 which can display M content.
When I try to use DESTINY with these 13 year old sub accounts it says that parental controls have it blocked. On the bungie website it talks about Parental Controls with a link back to the Sony website (https://www.bungie.net/7_Parental-Controls-are-preventing-my-PlayStation-su/en/Help/Article/12477) - but that link is broken and it doesn't go anyway. The content of the Bungie web site seems to indicate that it is an issue with Sony.
I have spend a very long amount of time with Sony and all they do is point to Bungie as the culprit - but it does not appear there is any way to contact Bungie other than these forums. On the Bungie web site it appears that they point to Sony as the culprit. So I'm in a situation where Sony points a Bungie, and Bungie points as Sony.
I have also paid AU$140 for two subscriptions to the PlayStation Plus network for the two 13 year old account, and Sony refuse to refund these subscriptions - so I have to get these 13 year old accounts working with DESTINY.
I have created a test sub-account with an age of 16 years old and Destiny works fine (Sony says it doesn't - they have a corporate script and are giving out untested rubbish answers and just point the finger at Bungie). But if I do that for my kids then they have access to MA15+ (restricted content) which I don't want and we lose the PlayStation Plus subscription.
My point is that I have purchased content that is entirely legal in Australia for my children to view - Destiny is rated M and that is fine in Australia for my 13 year olds to view legally. But somewhere between Sony & Bungie they are blocking access to the servers that allow them to play this content. It is not a sub account issue - as I said a test account works perfectly if you create it with an age greater than 15 years of age.
Any ideas about how to resolve this issue with either SONY or BUNGIE much appreciated
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