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Bearbeitet von Speezy JHawk: 12/19/2015 4:48:04 PM

SRL & Multiplayer - Share same problems

There are times I am sitting neck & neck with another racer and I'll boost over to push them and I go right through them and other times I'll bump them. Same thing happens in the crucible: I'll be shooting another player, my first two bursts from my pulse rifle hit, they don't move, my next three bursts into their center mass (yeah, still not great at headshots lol) miss and I lose the gunfight (or I get the sixth to hit and walk aware almost dead). Appears to me (my opinion) that there are some improvements that can be made to the hitbox recognition. Some could say this is lag but this happens in full green bar lobbies more than once a match so while it could be a "lag issue" it doesn't appear to be (through my eyes.) Matchmaking loses it's fun when you've just won (or even lost) a competitive match followed by five plus games of blowouts against you. The worst is when you're playing with your friends who are better than you and it always seems to match-make to their level of play so I'm being carried and the anchor dragging them down when we lose. I love when the matches are competitive even when I lose but that happens once every 7 to 10 games which loses it's fun extremely fast, there has to be a better way to work matchmaking. I'm not a great PvP player...been playing since Beta and still do not have all the wins I need for Skirmish (sitting at 86), Salvage (25), and Rumble (5) so I'm sure I'll receive thoughts and or comments along the lines of "get good scrub" and the like, we'll skip past all that since we can see that I've already stated I'm not good. I am a competitive person who likes to complete a game when I love the game, but right now there is no light at the end of the tunnel to doing so in Destiny for me due to these two issues. This is my two cents: don't worry about the lag, it'll be there no matter what (only improved-again in my opinion-by dedicated servers) but you should be able to work on hit box recognition and matchmaking in crucible playlists. *UPDATE: After playing sometime, SRL loses its fun real quick thanks to the hit detection problems mentioned above. Rubbing is fun, if it works consistently which SRL doesn't appear to do. I've lost races for hit detection at the finish line; said I was in 1st in the lower right but came in 2nd overall as I crossed the finish line. Bungie, you should really work on the inconsistent hit detection problem.

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  • I forgot to add that overall, you have done a great job with SRL and I would love to see it become a permanent thing (monthly to offset the time between Iron Banner or a weekly thing being Tuesday through launch of ToO to offset the time between Trials every week). The above was not meant to take away from the great (my opinion) addition you have given the player base one iota.

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