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Bearbeitet von Legend To None: 12/25/2015 6:11:50 AM

A Frosty Marathon (Part 2)

[b]Hope you all had a great Christmas Eve. Heres a story to end the night! [/b] [i]It was a Snowy day Christmas was a few days away People are checking off their lists And finding the best gift that fits For many people are found running around town Steve was the oldest out of his family He had to buy the gifts to prevent a tragedy If no one got their correct gifts Then it wouldn’t feel like Christmas Steve was now wondering in the mall to get a nice little doll For he knew without that, Susie would most likely Ball. However it wasn’t a Barbie, It was an interactive doll with a heartbeat. As for Deindra, she wanted a Ps Vita With Little Big Planet on the side. This gift should not be a hard one to find For its demand is sky high. Steve quickly found that the mall was lacking a K-Mart and Target "What the -blam!-" thought Steve, “for this place is retarded!” Steve knew there was no time to spare for Christmas was near! He remembered there being a Walmart not far He knew that’s where the items are! A few blocks later Steve found himself in the sketchy part of town. No decorations or bright lights around. Out of the blue of an abandoned ally, came a boy. Not one word was spoken, for there was no joy. Steve saw the tears coming out of the boys eyes He must have been sitting in the ally to cry With a quivering voice the boy asked for help But Steve didn’t have much wealth The only money he had was for the gifts And to waste it all on a helpless boy would be ridiculous! Steve got down on one knee, looked the boy straight in the eye, and told him why he would probably die. “Tis the time for giving, but I can’t help you for my family is in need of a PS Vita and an interactive doll this season!” Steve got up, smiled with pride, and walked away Waving good bye to the boy who stood before his grave. Long Story short, Steve had reached the store It had everything needed and more! Susie got her doll, Deindra got her Vita, And the family had their Christmas Spirit. Christmas just wouldn’t feel like Christmas if no one got what they needed…[/i]

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