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Bearbeitet von Legend To None: 12/24/2015 4:55:53 AM

A Frosty Marathon!

Welcome to the 3rd Frosty Christmas. I will be posting each part of the story everyday until Christmas. [To subscribe, Post in the thread and Bump with a Like] Stay tuned for the [b][u][i]A Frosty TribleDuker Christmas Story[/i][/u][/b] marathon! Leading of to the Jolly conclusion on Christmas Day! Here is part one of the trilogy! [i]Gather around kids and shut up for a minute... It was a snowy Christmas Eve, Theres three little kids named Susie,Diendra,and Steve. All sitting at home waiting with ease, for Santa to come down and put presents under their tree. Steve was the oldest, Diendra was in the middle, and for Susie well, she is just little...... It was 9 at night and the kids are alright The fire is burning and the snow is flurrying They surely were not worrying. Parents were at the neighbors and on the corners, girl were doing their "Favors". As time came around, Steve and Diendra were found sleeping on each side of the couch. It was just little Susie now, staying up to hear any sounds. For her little eyes couldn't stay awake any longer. As they began to wonder.... Time had passed once more and Susie passed out on the floor. She woke up to what she could not describe No better than a 'Woosh' and a chyme. Could it be, the one she's been waiting to see? She heard it on the roof now and got up without a sound She could not believe for she was about to witness! Old Saint Nicholas! She heard a Ho-Ho-Ho and a click-click-click then down fell Saint Nick He wasnt dressed in red, well guess she couldn't tell, because his skin may have 3rd degree burns by now. "Son of a Bitch" Santa replied, "Who keeps a fire going at this time at night!" Santa ran to the bathroom to put out the fire. Oh Susie was so happy for it is he, she admired. 'Santa did you get me the present I asked for this year?' asked Susie with a cheer. "What are you talking about?, you little Runt, I have no presents! This was just a stunt!" "The door is locked for some reason? Damn kids, don't you know no ones going to break in during this season?!" Susie was confused and Santa was too. Santa collected his thoughts and remembered what Susie's been taught. He figured it's time to tell Susie the truth, that "Santa isn't coming, not even for you." "Susie, don't you see?! Its your Grandpa Henry!" Susie couldnt bear what he said, not even the tears she had shed... Susie is balling and Grandpa is Hollering "That's It You Little Shit!" The Parents came in through the door at this time They were wondering how Grandpa Henry was inside "What are you doing!?" said the father, " What is the Bother?!" 'You lied to your kids!' Henry replied "Well, she's only 6! " said the Father with pride Steve and Deindra were starring down the hallway now, trying to figure out what all this was about. "We told you to wait in the car" said the father " We were looking for you, for like half an hour!" Henry replied 'I did but you took to long, so I wondered off home' 'I fell through the chimney, got caught on fire, then told Susie your both liers.' "Dad your drunk, this isn't even your home, you weren't even suppose to be alone!" Henry now has known what he's done, but he was too drunk to give a -blam!-. He got a ride back to his house then threw up on his couch. As for Susie, her parents tried to correct the truth and told her "Grandpa just lied to you.." So Christmas Eve wasn't ruined for the family this year, they were just happy that Christmas was near.... [/i] TL;DR-A girl Susie woke up to Santa who turned out to be her Grandpa who was drinking and told Susie Santa isn't real. Then the parents lied to Susie again and they had a great Christmas that year. Hope you enjoyed this in a sense.

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